American Idiot

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Violet's POV

"Violet, are you almost ready?" Gerard called from outside the door. "People should be arriving any minute." I put one last bracelet on. "I'm ready!" I hopped out the door. Gerard was waiting in the hallway. "You look amazing, sunshine." He said.

I spent forever choosing my outfit. What I finally decided on was a red white and blue Green Day American Idiot shirt, black skinny jeans, bracelets, and these awesome patriotic converses Frank got me. I brushed my hair for almost an hour, making sure I got every last knot or tangle out and it really paid off. My hair actually looked good.

Gerard had organized a HUGE Fourth Of July Barbeque thing. Basically everyone from every band I liked was coming. He had spent months planning this thing and making sure everyone could come. Gerard even bought (possibly illegal) fireworks we could set off once it got dark.

I felt a knot in the bottom of my stomach.  He had said that there were a lot of people coming to this.  Naturally, my first response was to hide in my room and avoid all human contact.  But the thing is, they're all band members.  All of my idols were going to be in the same yard.  I definitely didn't want to skip out on meeting them.

"Thanks Gerard," I said and we went downstairs. "So, who's coming?" I asked him.

"The people I got a definite yes from were Frank, Mikey, Ray, Kellin, Vic, Mike, Dallon, Ryan, Andy, Ronnie, Brendon, Alex, Rian and Cassadee, Hayley, Lindsey's bandmates, and Jack. Well, kind of Jack. He said he'd be here, but he's Jack, so I guess we'll play that by ear," Gerard said, "Oh, and Pete and Meagan. They're bringing Bronx so Bandit can have someone to play with."

"Are you sure we can fit that many people in our backyard?"

"It'll work," Gerard assured me, "Trust me, it'll work."

I heard little feet running down the stairs. "Daddy! Violet! Look at my pretty skirt!" Bandit exclaimed and twirled around. Bandit's outfit was absolutely adorable in every possible way. It was a navy blue tank top with sequined silver stars and a red velvet skirt. Lindsey also put a red white and blue bow in her hair which only increased the cuteness factor by about a thousand.

"Honey, you look very beautiful," Gerard picked Bandit up and spun her around. "Daddy! Put me down!" Bandit squealed, "Put me down!" Gerard finally relented, "Fine," He pouted, "But it breaks my heart that my own daughter doesn't love me."

"Of course I love you Daddy!" She said and hugged Gerard. "I just have to go and get my toys ready so me and Bronx can play." And with that, Bandit ran off to her room.

"Your turn Violet." Gerard said and opened his arms. I didn't hesitate to go into them. With Gerard I felt safe, like nothing was ever going to hurt me. I liked that feeling. Is this what family feels like?

"I'm glad we adopted you," Gerard whispered in my ear, "We're so much happier now. You're our sunshine."

I heard a car come up the driveway. "Looks like people are here." Gerard said. It was Pete.

Bronx burst into the house first. "Where's Bandit?" He asked Gerard. "She's in her room getting some toys out." Gerard told him. And without another word Bronx bolted up the stairs.

"Aww," I said, "Bandit has a boyfriend."

"Don't say that to her," Gerard warned me, "She'll flip shit."

Pete and Meagan came in next. Pete smiled at me, "You must be the Violet Mikey won't shut up about. Nice to meet you, I'm Pete." He introduced himself. "I know who you are," I said, "I love Fall Out Boy."

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