Somewhere In Neverland

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Violet's POV

"Is this all of it?" Crystal asked me. I nodded and put the last box in the car. This is it. I'm going home to Gerard and Lindsey, where I belong. Colton and I still aren't really talking, which I'm fine with. I'm going to miss Crystal, though. She deserves so much better than that piece of shit.


"VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET!!!" Bandit was the first to greet me, "I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!" She gave me a big hug.

"I missed you so much, Bee," And I really did.

"Hey Vi!" Lindsey was after Bandit,

"Sunshine," Gerard said softly and opened his arms. I didn't hesitate go into them. Instantly I felt safe, which was something I felt only when I was with him.

"I love you," He whispered.

"I love you too," I said back. And I did. I really did.

Gerard's POV

I cleared some of the hair away from Violet's face. She had fallen asleep while watching the movie. I'm happy she's home. She'll be much happier here.

I rolled up the sleeve of her sweatshirt, I just had to see if it had really happened. What had once been healing scars were now angry red lines.

"Oh Violet," I whispered, "Why?" I ran my thumb gently over her wrist.

"I don't know exactly what happened over there," I said to her, "But it must have been a lot to get you to the point where you would do this to yourself. But you're home now, and that's all that matters. I know you won't try anything here, I'll make sure of that. I love you."

I softly kissed her wrist, there we go, that'll make it better. I felt Violet twitch beside me.

"Did you hear any of that?" I asked her.

"Hear any of what?" She sleepily replied.

"Nothing. So, when do you want to go back to school?"

Violet yawned and sat up, "Never."

I chuckled, "Sweetheart, it doesn't work that way. Do you think you could start next Monday? That way you'll still have a week off."

"Yeah, I guess that could work. I mean, I'll still see Jinx. That's a positive." She said optimistically.

"Uh, Vi, I have some news about Jinx. They've been in a bit of a financial crisis lately, and yeah..."

"Are you fucking serious? He's leaving. Who am I going to hang out with? I have no friends."

"Yeah," I told her, "He's going to a foster home about 30 minutes away, just outside the school district."

Violet's POV

"Fuck!" I swore at my phone. Gerard had just texted me that his meeting had run a bit longer than expected, he was going to be about 20 minutes late picking me up. I looked around the schoolyard. It was basically empty. Everyone was either at their after school activities or at home. I shivered. It was pretty cold out. A pretty big snowstorm had hit New Jersey a few days earlier and about three or four inches of snow covered the ground.

I felt something wet and cold hit the back of my head and turned around to see a sheepish looking Dallas trying to hide a snowball behind his back.

"Hey!" I said and quickly formed my own snowball, which I threw and hit him in the face despite my severe lack of hand-eye coordination.

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