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heeyyyy :-)

so it's been a really long time since al and i have updated but i'm back.

it's just that we have a really important exam in october and it actually determines which school we go to.

but i'm actually gonna try and update once or even twice a week.

this chapter might be short but i'm hoping it'll be long enough for you guys. **sorry if it sucks

i hope you guys like it and yeah. i love you all :-))))) <3


08 september 2015 , tuesday


10 years ago


"can there be a soda machine?" cal asked me, and i giggled in response.

"a soda machine?"

"why not..." he whined, sticking his lower lip out. he always pouts and in the end, i give in. not this time.

"no cal. don't do the pout." i told him, covering my face in my hands as i hoped not to look at him.

"but you always give in." he  whined once more, trying to remove my hands from my face.

i struggled to keep my hands over my face and soon, i could see him in full view again. i looked into his dark, chocolate brown eyes.

"you have beautiful eyes." i blurted out, not even realising what i had just said to him.

his cheeks instantly turned a crimson red colour.

he mumbled a quick 'thank you' under his breath, trying to hold back a smile.

there was a long silence before he spoke up again. "soda machine?" he asked, still hoping for that silly machine.

i rolled my eyes, knowing that he wouldn't stop asking for a soda machine until he got one.

"okay fine we can have your stupid soda machine." i finally gave in.

his face lit up and he smiled widely. he pulled me in for a hug, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. he always did that when we hugged, and i always get this strange feeling inside of me when he does it.

"thanks fall."

end of flashback


i sat on the couch with my laptop on my lap, still trying to look for an apartment.

calum on the other hand, was rummaging through the cupboards for a snack. "holy shit, fall. how does your family survive. you don't even have poptarts." he yelled from the kitchen.

i rolled my eyes at him, and yelled back, "i'm pretty sure there are some chips. don't be such a girl."

instantly, i heard footsteps and they got louder. "what did you just call me?" he said sassily. typical calum.

"james bond. of course i just called you a girl!" calum threw his head back laughing.

he came to the couch and sat down next to me. "so have you found any apartments that can fit in a soda machine?" he smirked and i looked over at him with the 'oh no please don't' look.

when we were 8, we were planning out the 'cool things' we'd put in our apartment.

and of course, one of the things that calum wanted was a fucking soda machine.

"why did i even agree to letting you have a soda machine in our apartment?" i questioned him and he thought about it for a moment.

"oh! because i did the pout and you gave in. like always." he smirked in victory. he'd always make me give in with that cute little pout. i still couldn't get over it.

even up till' now he'd still do it.

"come on, fall. you know you love it."he wiggled his eyebrows, and i raised mine in confusion. "since when could you do that?"

"i don't even know."

"but seriously, soda machine?" i went back to the topic of that soda machine.

cal opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of my phone buzzing. "sorry." i mumbled, realising that it was my boyfriend, nick.

i mean, we've been dating for 3 years now. he's sweet. pretty cute.

not as cute as calum though...

wait what?

nick <3 : hey. wanna go get some ice cream later?

i quickly replied back, saying : sure. see you in 10?

nick <3 : see you then <3<3<3

"cal, i'm gonna go meet up with nick. can we continue planning this tonight?" i asked him. i could see that his face fell slightly, but he forced a small smile.


"thank you." i said to him, hugging him tightly as i took in the scent of his cologne.

i quickly grabbed my phone and purse and waved goodbye to calum.


oh nick. again? really?

of course he had to go out with autumn now. i mean why not later? i just want to spend time with fall.

not that i have anything against nick but it's just that every time me and fall wanna do something together, nick just calls her and she has to go.

and i love autumn. seeing her with another guy just breaks my heart.

i just keep questioning myself about when i'll ever ask her out. like come on cal, grow a pair.

but the thing is, does autumn even like me back? or even love me back? she does love me, but no more than friends.

fel came down the stairs and saw me. "she went out with nick again?" she asked me and i nodded. i've told fel about how i love autumn and all.

she's 6, but she definitely knows how to give advice. (strange enough)

"well... you got me!" she squealed and jumped on me, causing me to chuckle.

"what do you wanna do then?" i asked her as she turned to face me.

"tell me what you like about my sister."

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