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heyy so i'm back with another chapter.

this week is actually the one week holiday so i might be posting (hopefully) everyday.

i hope this chapter isn't shit and that you guys enjoy it :-)

i love you guyssss

~bea <3

09 september 2015 , wednesday



"hey." nick smiled at me, pulling me in for one of his usual tight, warm hugs.

we were at the usual ice cream palor we always went to. "hey." i replied, a smiled already beginning to form on my lips.

we went inside and got our usual ice cream. which was just mint chocolate chip.

we sat down, opposite from each other. nick started the conversation first, saying, "so which university are you planning to go to?"

i pursed my lips together for a moment, thinking of a reply.

"well... i'm actually not going."

nick's hazel brown eyes widened in shock, placing the spoon down.

"but all those letters. and you've always been planning to go." he stumbled over his words. i didn't understand why he was so shocked about this.

"i know, but i just wanna help out with my family." i tried to explain, but my mind was at a loss of words.

"you don't have a job, autumn. how are you even gonna support them?" since when did nick even start worrying about this?

"nick, i wanna become a piano teacher. you know how i've always told you?" i smiled down at my fingers, but in the corner of my eye, i could see him frowning.

there was a long moment of silence before he spoke up.

"i applied for the university of manchester and i was hoping you'd be going too. but i guess not." he spat out while he stood up and left.

i sat there, still trying to process what i had just heard.

first, he's never spoken to me like that. was it because i said i wasn't applying? i don't know.

secondly, since when did he start to worry about how i was going to support my family? in fact, we've never even talked about it.

was this nick's way of asking me to go to the university of manchester? somehow, it seemed as if this was his way of getting me to go there, but i didn't want to.

i stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jeans and walked home. hopefully calum is still there.

nick is a really nice guy, but i don't... love him. i said it. he wasn't really my type if you think about it. he was more serious and i was more carefree.

i'm just scared of the outcome if i do break up with him.

i stepped into the house, seeing that cal and fel were talking to each other on the couch. it's nice to know that your best friend and your sister are getting along.

"hey." cal greeted me, a wide smile spread across his face.

i shot him back a small smile, causing him to furrow his eyebrows together. fel got up and probably ran back to her room.

as soon as i sat down next to cal, he asked me, "what's wrong?"

"nick applied for the university of manchester, and he just makes it seem as if i have to go there. he started asking how i was gonna support my family if i don't go to university." i breathed out. calum and i leaned back as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"well it's your choice, fall. he can't tell you what to do and you know that. if you wanna go to manchester then do it. if you wanna teach, then do it. no one's stopping you. but i can tell you wanna teach. it's been your dream. then again, i'm not you. it's your choice." he planted a kiss at the top of my head as he said that.

"you know you always give the best advice?" i smiled, looking up at him.

"of course i do. i'm calum." he smirked down at me, being his cocky self.

what he said was true though. but i can't decide what i wanna do. i wanna teach, but there's this part of me that wants to go to manchester.

oh what am i gonna do


"hey." i greeted fall as she walked through the door, smiling at her.

well, since fel asked me about what i like about autumn, and i told her. i felt better to be honest. i've been bottling up all these emotions for so long.

she shot me back a small smile, making me furrow my eyebrows together.

had something happened to her and nick? i secretly hoped so.

as soon as she sat down next to me, i just had to ask her, "what's wrong?"

"nick applied for the university of manchester, and he just makes it seem as if i have to go there. he started asking how i was gonna support my family if i don't go to university." she said.


he should be supporting his girlfriend but instead, he's just 'making' her apply for the university of manchester too. but i knew i couldn't say that to fall though.

"well it's your choice, fall. he can't tell you what to do and you know that. if you wanna go to manchester then do it. if you wanna teach, then do it. no one's stopping you. but i can tell you wanna teach. it's been your dream. then again, i'm not you. it's your choice." i leaned down and planted a kiss at the top of her head as i said that.

"you know you always give the best advice?" she smiled up at me. my heart fluttered, but i decided to let my cocky side show.

"of course i do. i'm calum." i smirked down at her.

she started giggling uncontrollably, making me smile.

all these little things that she does make me weak. why?

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