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soooo um hi. im beatrice and I run this account with my best friend allie.

butt notice me will be written by me.

this is my first book and all so I'm sorry if it's like damn shitty and poorly written and stuff but please no hate. thanks.

sorry if the prologue is short. the first chapter will be longer i promise.

anywayssss let's get started.

~ bea <3



university. i definitely wasn't ready for that at all. i've received so many offers from different universities. yale, the university of manchester, but thing is... i don't want to go to university.

you might be thinking. what are you going to do with your life? your going to die alone as a lonely cat lady.

but i had something else in mind.

i wanted to be a piano teacher. i started young, and had already passed my grade 8 examination, therefore i was actually qualified to teach.

life isn't so easy when your parents were long gone and you only had your brother and younger sister left.

after the divorce, dad moved to america, leaving mum with the three of us.

so i knew i had to help. my older brother, david, is 20 years old. just like me, he chose not to go to uni.

my younger sister, felicity, is just 6 years old, and has a whole life ahead of her. we wanted to spend as much time with her while we could.

i also have a boyfriend. his name's nick.

we've been dating for 3 years. our relationship was steady, and everything was okay. i would say he's just a genuine guy that knows how to treat a lady.

then there's my idiotic best friend, calum, whom i've known since we were 3. we did everything together. thankfully, nick wasn't jealous. he trusted me, knowing that were like brother and sister.

however, all my mum wanted was the best for me, david and felicity. mum was exhilarated when she found out i had received offers from such great universities, but i knew that going to university was something i definitely didn't want to do.

i told her i wanted to help, but yet she insisted. she wanted me to have and better life and be more independent.

the day after i talked to calum. we met at our tree house. the tree house where we shared so many memories together as kids.

the musty smell lurking around the small yet cozy area, a small framed picture of us was hung up, another one of calum's bass guitars, nothing much changed.

we usually hung out here when we couldn't think of anything else to do. in the tree house, we'd do weird, stupid, and sometimes cool stuff. we'd make weird mini movies and show them to our parents. and as we got older, we began to become more serious with music. he would play guitar and we would both sing some of our favourite songs by our favourite artists like green day, all time low, blink, panic!, you know what i mean.

sometimes we would spend so long up here that one of our mum's would have to call us down.

when we went to secondary school, we could hardly spend any time together. our weekly sleepovers we used to have were very rare. if we weren't spending time together, we were studying, but somehow, we still managed to talk and text each other everyday.

''I just don't get it, Cal." my fingers ran through my long, dip dyed cherry red hair. ''Well, autumn, you know your mum just wants the best for you. she probably just wants you to live a better life and forget about your dad." he shrugged, strumming his acoustic guitar.

i sighed, knowing that he was right. should i really go? ''Plus, my mum's been bugging me about moving out. maybe we could move in together, just like we'd always imagined." he suggested.

my eyes lit up and a smile began to form on my lips. when we were younger, the thought just came to us. we knew we wanted to live together. ever since then, we've been waiting till' we were 17 or 18. since we were now 18, i guess we could fulfill that fantasy.

''Cal! This is great! This is what we've always wanted!" i exclaimed, grabbing him by the shoulders, so i could look him dead in the eye.

he began to smile as well.

''This is perfect. Now, all we have to do is find an apartment and tell our parents."

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