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  You watch the rain drops on the the window, drinking your coffee on your day off from work. You putted on some to help you get relax a bit, forget all the stressful things that happen this week.
After watching the rain for a little while, you decided to go outside and feel the drops on your smooth skin, even if you would catch a cold later. You set the coffee on the table and went to grab a sweater.
Just in case... You slipped your arms into the sweater, pushing it to fit your body. You shoved your keys into your jeans and open the front door, already hearing the rain drops on the concrete.
You step outside, the rain already soaking into your clothes, smiling as you saw some people outside but mostly cars. You stood still, closing your eyes for some effect.
You softly hummed your favourite song, blocking out everything from earth expect the rain and yourself.
But that concentration broke when you heard something in the distance.
Who could that be? You thought in your head, looking around to see some figure running towards you.
You notice that the figure was wearing glasses.
"C-Chris!?" You called out, finally seeing him in the dim light outside.
"Y/N! What are you doing here? You're gonna catch a cold!" He quickly unzipped his coat and wrapped it around your shoulders but you stopped him before he could put it on you.
"What is it? Do you really wanna catch a cold?" He asked with a confused face but I hugged him tightly in a warm embrace, catching him off guard.
"I like the rain." Was all you said and pulled him into a sweet kiss, the rain pouring on you too.
He kissed you back, deepening the kiss as he hold you tightly in his arms.
You slowly pull away, looking into his eyes and smiled when you saw the raindrops on his glasses.
"Let's stay here for a little while." You nodded, grinning that he finally gave in.   

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