➳ 6
You sadly smiled as Chris showed you a his lock screen of his phone, which was a picture with him and Ashley smiling.
"You guys look really cute together..." You softly whispered, wanting to grab his phone and throw it across the room but you knew how to handle your temper better than that.
"She is cute, isn't' she?" You felt your heart beating with pain as Chris looked at Ashley with love in his eyes."What am I to you?" You mumbled under your breath, hoping Chris didn't hear you.
"What?" You quickly shook your head, smiling nervously before talking about his day.
Chris started to notice how nervous you got, always looking away from his direction when he asked you a question. He thought it was how you were feeling so he didn't questing about it. When he told you he was gonna invite Ashley in, you were shock for a few moments, but save it with a fake bright smile and nodded.
As you walked up the stairs to the bedroom, tears were already shedding as you lightly close the door and lay down on the smooth, comfy bed.
"Why can't I stop being jealousy?" You asked yourself, knowing that you didn't even know the answer.
You brought out your phone, putting the earphones in your ears to listen to music that helps you calm down.
But you still cried.
You cried because the thought of him leaving you.
"Agh, I'm so stupid.." You roughly pulled your hair, making a huge mess on your head.
You knew you shouldn't feel like this, but somehow when he mentions Ashley, you felt left out.
Like you weren't his girlfriend.
And she was.
You heard a soft knock on the door.
"Ashley here!" You sighed, getting of the bed and taking off your earphones. You walked downstairs to see Ashley in a cute pink pastel dress with a flower crown neatly on her head.
"Hey Y/N!~" The girl chirped happily. You greeted her and showed the house you and Chris lived in.
"What's this?" You turned around, seeing her holding the ring in her thin fingers.
"Chris bought this for me on out anniversary." Ashley gasp in amusement, looking at the ring as if it was the most beautiful thing ever.
After the house tour, Chris settled up the kitchen table for a feast for three people to feed. Chris bought in the lasagna while you brought out some rice and chicken.
"This is really good Chris!" Ashley hummed in delight as she bit the piece of chicken in her fork.
"Glad you like it~ You can come over anytime!" Chris said, catching you off guard.
You chocked on your water, patting your chest to stop coughing.
"Excuse me please." You stood up and quickly ran to the bathroom and locking the door so no one would open the door without knocking.
You tried to calm yourself but it still didn't work. Not knowing what to do, you sat in the bathtub, curling into a ball and hugging your knees tightly close to your body. Crying your heart out silently.
5 minutes later you hear another knock on the door.
"Y/N, are you alright in there?" Chris asked sweetly.
"Y-Yeah." You cursed at yourself.
"Are you sure? And uh, why is the door locked? Please tell me your really alright in there.." You heard Chris tone turned sad after he said that, making you feel more worse.
You slowly got up from the bathtub and towards the door, unlocking to see Chris looking at you with a sad smile.
"Y/N, your eyes are red." Chris waited for you to speak up and so you did.
"I'm jealous." You look closely at Chris, hoping he wouldn't think so childish of you.
"Jealous of what?"
"Jealous of your relationship of Ashley and you."
"Darling, you know that you're my-"
"I know. It's just- you always seem to be happy when you see her." You admitted.
Chris sighed and hugged you in his warm arms, resting his head on your shoulder.
"Please don't ever think like that okay? Ashley is just a friend. You're my girlfriend. I will always be there when you need my help and will always love you Y/N."
You smiled in his embrace, smelling in his lovely scent.
"I will always love you too Chris."
"Glad you guys made up." You saw Ashley awkwardly standing in the middle of the living room.
"You guys ahh, got more food to eat?"
A/N: No beef between Ashley. I really ship Ashley and Chris but I just use her for this story. Let me know what you think in the comments! :)

C H R I S X R E A D E R (U N T I L D A W N)
Roman d'amourNo wendigos, no nightmares, just a normal life with Chris.♥ *Same author from Quotev, just posting it on Wattpad <---