➳ 7
**COUGH COUGH, there's a little bit of suggestive stuff in here (sexy stuff bro) so if you can't handle that stuff, read some of my other stories but other than that, enjoy!***
It's that time of the year, and you were getting ready for the presents for your silly boyfriend Chris. As '' by Ariana Grande played through the hallways of you and Chris's small home, you danced happily when you remember a phone call from him Chris today that he'll come back home at 11:35 pm from work. The lights were blinking in the dark, making all the people walking down the streets admire the glow.
This was a year you would make sure Chris will never forget.
The dinner was already set up and the Christmas tree was standing in the living room, the decorations shining and glimmering in the dim light. Everything was set up but you forgot one thing.
The outfit.
At first you decided just to wear a simple red reindeer wool sweater with some black shorts but you quickly change your mind and wore the red and green lingerie Sam bought for you since she was worried about you and Chris er, doing in the *cough cough in the bedroom.
"Man, I gotta thank Sam for this." You said out loud, turning around in front of the mirror, the lingerie fitting your curves. After admiring the outfit, you found a white robe lying down on your floor. Picking it up, you wore it and wrapped the ribbons around your waist, excitement was rushing through your veins.
The clock was ticking and it made you nervous yet happy. You didn't know how he was gonna react after dinner, knowing that the robe would be gone soon. You played with your curled hair, your back lying comfortable on the comfy couch.
"Baby it's cold outside~" You sang softly, hoping that the time would go by faster.
"Y/N I'm home!" You jumped a bit as a loud voice boomed in the house. You turned around to see Chris in his big poofy jacket with Christmas present in his hands. You ran towards me, almost making you both fall but luckily Chris was able to keep his feet on the ground.
"I guess you really miss me." He settled the presents on the floor and gave you a hug tightly, snuggling deeper into his jacket slightly covered in snow.
"I miss everything about you." Your sudden confession made his cold cheeks blush red. After what seem like a long time, you pull away and smiled.
"Dinner?' You asked. He nodded, pecked your cheeks and made his way to the kitchen where the food was set up.
You followed along, you couldn't help but grin when he would receive his dessert.
The food was almost gone, putting away the leftovers away the fridge and cleaning the dishes away, you felt Chris's hands sneak up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waits, feeling his little kisses on your sensetive neck making you giggle a bit.
"Chris you have to wait for dessert." You washed the last dirty dish before putting it away and walked away, leaving a confused Chris behind.
"There's dessert?" You stopped for a moment before walking towards him slowly, keeping eye contact as you came closer to him and kissed him hard, feeling his lips against yours.
"Meet me in the bedroom when you're ready." You whispered in his ears before winking and walking away, hearing his gasp as you dropped the robe you waited for so long to be gone.
A/N: Helloooo! I'm not dead I swear guys xD I know it's not Christmas yet (2 more days) but enjoy this early Christmas gift. :)

C H R I S X R E A D E R (U N T I L D A W N)
RomanceNo wendigos, no nightmares, just a normal life with Chris.♥ *Same author from Quotev, just posting it on Wattpad <---