➳ 4
You slam the apartment door and harshly shoved your jacket on the hook. Today was...a rough day. First, your boss yelled at you just because you messed up ONE order, then your batch of cupcakes you made for Sam was completely wrecked when someone ran into you, and then you trip and fell, causing your leg to have a large scratch bleeding.
You kicked one of your heels on the wall, grumbling and limping because of your leg, trying to get the couch.
You sat down, hissing in pain as your leg pulsed in pain. You grab the band aid you kept in your pocket and look at the size of the scratch on your leg.
"This will do, right?" You open the piece of paper and slip the band aid out, getting rid of the sticky paper before putting it on the scratch.
"Ahh shit! Forgot to put the ointment on." You angrily whispered, but you were in pain to get it off and find the ointment.
You heard the keys dangling outside from your apartment, hearing bags on the wooden floor and a couple of footsteps coming in.
"Y/N! You home yet!" You turn around and waved your hand, trying to conceal the pain that was showing on your face.
"Chris! You're home!" You usually run up and hug him but with the scratch on the leg, you just sat there.
You started to notice him getting confused as he slowly walked towards you.
"Y/N, are you feeling alright?" He asked, reaching for your hands and holding it into his.
You sighed, looking into another direction. "I'm fine." You didn't want to complain, since Chris had to work all day long with barley any rest.
"I know you're not fine. Take your time, I don't have any more work today." You hesitated for a second before looking straight into his face.
You told him how the boss kept on nagging on you, shouting loudly that come customers began leaving, making you embarrassed and angry inside. The cupcakes you promised you'd make for Sam were ruined when some idiot ran into you, and didn't even apologize! And you show him the red scratch that was left on your leg, telling him you forgot to rub on some ointment on it.
"Stay here, I'll go get it." He stood up and left the living, after a couple of minutes he came in with the ointment in his hands.
"Lay down, here I'll put the pillows there." He grab some pillows and putted under you head, gently grabbing your leg to see the scratch clearly.
He took of the band aid and replace it with the ointment, making sure not to hurt you. He then grab another band aid and placed it on the scratch, making sure there was no blood left over.
"You feel alight now?" He asked, and you nodded.
"Yeah, the pain is gone now." Chris brought his hand on to your hair, messing with it before going to the kitchen.
"This time, I'll make you dinner."
"Make sure not to burn the food!"
"I know how to cook my lady! That, was an accident." You scoffed and rolled your eyes at his words.
"You were clearly thinking about something when that happen."
Chris turned around, wearing his apron while looking at you.
"Yeah, I was thinking about you." You clasped you hands on your mouth, falling down on the couch on your back while laughing.
"You're so cheesy you know that?"
"Only for you Y/N."

C H R I S X R E A D E R (U N T I L D A W N)
Roman d'amourNo wendigos, no nightmares, just a normal life with Chris.♥ *Same author from Quotev, just posting it on Wattpad <---