➳ 9
1:00 AMTime seems to be moving fast then ever. But work hasn't. Stress been taking over my life and I didn't know what to do anymore. It seems like no one seems to understand how I felt. Josh told me that things will be over soon.
Mike said to look over the bright side.
I don't see it. Where's my sunshine and rainbows?
My happiness?
Ashley said these feelings will go away.
Tell me, is there other ways to seek happiness?
Emily would roll her eyes, saying it's just a phase.
Stressing out is a phase? Feeling like you're trapped in your nightmares is just a phase?
Others would just say that I should just take a rest, relax.
How can I relax when there are problems swarming in my way? My battles I need to conquer?
"Y/N..." I heard a voice called out softly behind me. I knew that lovely voice so well. It was music to my ears.
"Chris." I turned around, seeing him in his baby blue boxers with a cup of water in his hands. I gave him a small sad smile to let him know that I was okay but he could see through my act.
He sighed and walked over to me, sitting next to me and leaving his cup of water on the marble table.
"Y/N, you seem tried today." I sighed, looking at him.
"I don't know how I feel anymore Chris. The stress. I just-" You looked away, choking on your words you take a sip from your cold coffee that been sitting on the table for quite a while now.
I felt his hand over mines, his warmth soothing me.
"It's okay Y/N. There was days when we don't know what to do. We can't control the stress we feel. We just have to know how to deal with it."
"How can I Chris when I don't know what to do with myself?" I asked, searching the answers in his eyes but nothing came to me.
"I'll help you. You helped me when I was in my darkest time. Now it's time for me to do the same. To make you feel loved and cared for. I want you to know that you can get through with this,together.
I smiled, leaning in towards his lips. I felt his arms sneaking around my waist as I wanted more from this passionate kiss we had tonight.
I pulled away, moving closer to him as his heartbeat matches with mine.
"I love you. Don't forget that Y/N." You closed your eyes as he hummed a lovely tune for you.
"I love you too Chris. With all my heart."
A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while since I updated this and I'm sorry ;\ Homework has been stressing me out lately and I needed to write in order to get this feeling off my chest.
Sorry that it's short but I hope you enjoyed it anyways. :)
Please heart and comment! I will continue to work harder to make these stories better for you guys. <3

C H R I S X R E A D E R (U N T I L D A W N)
RomanceNo wendigos, no nightmares, just a normal life with Chris.♥ *Same author from Quotev, just posting it on Wattpad <---