Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"So, are you ready to start school this fall, y/n?" (Just in case you didn't know, y/n means your name.) Mum asks as we sit around the dinner table. Tonight was my birthday so I got to choose what we ate. We were having dessert right now, and it was a great day until Mum went and mentioned school.

"Can we not talk about school on my birthday?" I laugh as I take another forkful of cake. I roll my eyes at my mother, even though I know she's only doing what's best for me. This year she's sending me off to a private school, the kind that everyone says is for only the richest families. I wouldn't consider our family exceptionally rich, but we do have enough money to send me to the best of schools.

My ear perks up as I hear something come in through the mail slot. My cat, Lucky's, head shoots up, looking towards our front door, confirming that I was not the only one who heard it. "Didn't we already get the mail for today?" I ask, turning towards Mum and Dad. They're both looking at each other with confused looks. They look at me and nod their heads.

I stand up and walk into the hall, Lucky following closely on my heels. Turning the corner to the door, I see that indeed, something has fallen through the mail slot and is lying on the carpet. Approaching it, I see that it is a letter, with a wax seal that is unfamiliar to me. I pick it up and turn it over, looking to see who it is addressed to.

Ms. (Y/F/N) (Your full name)

0823 Cherry Lane, London

Confused, I quickly look up to the corner to see who it's addressed from, thinking that it's come from my new school, Poppington Academy.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?" I read aloud, looking to Lucky to see if she can make any sense of this. Unfortunately, I remember that she is only a cat, and not a living creature with the ability to speak.

I quickly turn on my heels, jogging into the dining room. "It's a letter for me." I say, putting onto the table. "It's from some place called Hogwarts." I inform my parents as they grab the letter. Mum reads it first, a look mixed with confusion and misbelief etching into her face.

"What's this supposed to be? There's certainly no such things as Witches and Wizards, are there? They're just a thing of children stories, right?" Mum looks to Dad as he opens the letter. He reads it quickly and I watch in anticipation as I watch his face change as he reads, expressing his emotions.

"I don't know, this letter seems completely authentic." Dad says rereading the letter. I sit back down in my chair and continue to eat my cake, not wanting it to go to waste. "Maybe we should schedule a meeting with this Albus Dumbledore. Maybe he can explain everything." Dad says standing up and walking over to the phone. He picks up the receiver and hesitates and Mum and I watch him. "There's no phone number on here!" He exclaims, hanging the phone back up.

"No number? What do you mean?" Mum asks as Dad walks over to the table and drops the letter, sitting back down. I take the opportunity to snatch up the letter, it is addressed to me, I have a right to read it.

Ms. (L/N) (Last name)

I am glad to announce that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed with this letter is a list of school supplies you will need this upcoming school year, along with your train ticket for the Hogwarts Express, leaving September first at Noon.

Seeing as you come from a muggle family, if you have any questions, feel free to contact our school headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. You can contact him at any time, just call his name, and he shall come.


Minerva McGonagall

"Just call his name and he shall come." I say out loud, causing both of my parents to look at me. "Maybe this doesn't mean to physically call him using a phone, maybe we need to just say his name." I state, looking between my parents.

Mum looks surprised that I came up with that, while Dad looks simply annoyed. "We already said his name, sweetie. Obviously this is some sort of jo- Agh!" Dad stops mid-sentence when we all hear a loud noise that sounded similar to a gunshot.

"What was that?" Mum asks, standing up and walking over to the window. As she looks out the window, I look towards the front door, making sure no one came inside. I jump in my chair when I see this old man standing in our doorway. He has a long white beard and a funny looking nose, as if it has been broken. He's wearing the most peculiar clothing, something someone might wear after taking a bath.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. (L/N). I heard that you called, so here I am!" The man gives a small bow to my parents, who both look like they think they've gone mad. "Oh, you do not know who I am, understandable. I'm Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

This is him. This is Dumbledore. The letter was true, we called and he arrived. My mouth hangs open as I try to process the situation. "I'm sorry I was a bit late on my arrival. See, no one can disapparate within the school, not even I, so I had to walk out of the gate and I am not as young as I used to be!" Albus laughs and I hear Mum give him a nervous laugh in return.

"Is there really a real place such as Hogwarts? Are wizards and witches real?" I ask, turning in my seat so that I'm facing our visitor. Albus Dumbledore simply laughs, his eyes squinting with pleasure, and nods. He take something out of his robe, a long stick, and waves it into the air. Suddenly my birthday cake is flying into the air. Then it spins and is completely full again. I stare at it wide eyed, wondering if my eyes are deceiving me.

"So this isn't some sort of joke?" Dad asks, still eying, what hopefully will be, my new headmaster suspiciously. "Our daughter really is a witch?" Dumbledore simply nods, before making a chair appear and sitting in it.

"Now, y/n, tell me. Has anything weird ever happened that you can't explain?" He stares at me, waiting for my answer. I scan my brain to see if anything stands out as not normal.

"Well, there was this one time that a boy in my year took my favorite pencil, and suddenly he started shooting bubbles out of his nose." I tell him, remembering how funny the incident was at the time, and how I never thought that it was magic.

"Good. Very good." Dumbledore says, looking at me as though he's trying to read my mind. I start to shift in my chair, starting to feel uncomfortable under his gaze. Suddenly he stops looking at me at looks up at my parents. "Do you guys have any questions?"

"Where exactly can we buy all of this stuff?" Mum asks, holding up what I assume to be my school supply list. I try to read it, but she puts it back on the table before I can get the chance to read past 'robes'.

"Ah, yes. You will need to go to Diagon Alley." Dumbledore states, then follows saying how to get to Diagon Alley. Mom and Dad ask him plenty of questions, and soon I notice a yawn escaping my mouth.

"I too, think that it is time for me to be leaving. I have a big day tomorrow, July 31st, and I must prepare. I hope to see you at Hogwarts, y/n." Dumbledore nods at me and spins in place before we hear the loud bang and he is gone.

Mum and Dad look as if they still cannot believe what just happened, while I, on the other hand, am bouncing up and down in my seat. I'm a witch! I can do magic! "So Mum, Dad? Can I go, can I go? Please?" I ask, extending the please, until they finally give each other a glance and nod.

I squeal and jump out of my chair, running upstairs to my bedroom, to go to sleep. This school is so going to be cooler than Poppington.

(A/N: So this is the first chapter, hope you've enjoyed, but I want to know who the main love character in this story should be (or if it should be multiple!) and yeah so leave who you think it should be! <3 ps. Thanks for reading this)

Your Life at Hogwarts: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now