Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I take a shaky breath and start to walk up to the stool, trying to ignore the fact that literally everyone in the school is going to be looking at me. I sit down on the stool and Professor McGonagall places the hat on my head, which falls over my eyes.

I jump a little when the voice of the hat starts talking to me. "Hmm... Muggle-born. Obviously not Slytherin, though you are quite ambitious. Loyal, very loyal. Hufflepuff, perhaps? Then again, you're smart, perfect for Ravenclaw, yet you're brave and have a lot of courage, Gryffindor material. Hard decision, a hard decision indeed..." The voice goes silent for a few seconds and I'm suddenly glad that the hat fell in front of my eyes so that I can't see the people in the hall. "Alright, I think that you should be in... GRYFFINDOR!" (A/N: I know that I'm going to get comments saying how Gryffindor gets too much glory, but this is just for the story. Believe me, I know that not everyone is a Gryffindor, I myself am a Ravenclaw, but yeah.)

The hat gets lifted off my head and I blink and look at the crowd. Wow. There are a lot of people in here. I look to the right side of the hall and see a table cheering the loudest. These must be the Gryffindors. I hop of the stool and hurry over to the table and sit down between Hermione and an older boy with red hair.

"Welcome to Gryffindor, y/n!" The boy with red hair pats me on the back. "I'm Fred Weasley, by the way. And this here is George!" Fred points to the boy sitting across from him as Edwards, Katie gets sorted into Ravenclaw. George looks just like Fred, they must be twins. How many Weasleys are there?

"Potter, Harry." A murmur of whispers sound throughout the great hall when Harry's name is called. The hat talks to Harry for a little bit until it declared Harry part of Gryffindor. Our whole table erupted in cheers and yells as Harry comes and sits across from me. I smile at him as he's congratulated by George.

The cheers are still sounding as Kappel, Brady goes to be sorted. He's placed in Gryffindor and our cheers still sounded, but much quieter than when Harry was sorted.

Ron is the last to be sorted, and once Dumbledore gives some words, literally some of the most random words, suddenly food appears on our table. I really need to get used to magic.

I pile food onto my plate, realizing that I haven't eaten since the candy on the train. "Y/n, try the potatoes, they're amazing!" Fred says, picking up a spoon and scooping some potatoes onto my plate. I smile up at him and immediately dig in. He's right, these are the best potatoes I've had in my life.

I feel a chilly breeze come over me and look up to see a ghost appearing through our table in front of me, causing me to let out a squeal. "You alright, y/n?" George asks, laughing and I give him a look.

"Welcome to Gryffindor!" The ghost says looking at all of the first years. "I'm Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, Gryffindor house ghost!" He smiles and gives a small bow.

"Or, Nearly Headless Nick." Fred says, earning him a high five from George. I take a bite out of my chicken while rolling my eyes at them. It's very rude to make fun of someone, even if they are dead.

"Nearly Headless?" A boy a little farther down the table speaks up. I recognize him as a first year, I believe his name was Seamus Finnigan. "How can you be nearly headless?" He asks Sir Nicholas.

The ghosts sighs, obviously annoyed at how often people ask him this. "Like this." He says shortly and stiffly. The ghost pulls on his head, causing his head to nearly fall off. It's attached by a small strip of skin, something I certainly don't want to see while I'm eating.

"You, know," I say once the ghost floats off and dessert appears, "I think the name 'Nearly Headless Nick' suits him." I earn a laugh from multiple spots along the table, causing me to grin with pride that I was able to make this many people laugh.

Dumbledore makes some announcements, like the fact that we can't go into the forest, and we're instructed to follow our prefects to our dormitory. "First year Gryffindors over here!" I look around and see yet another red head waving his arms in the air to get our attention. It must just be a coincidence, no way there's another Weasley. I stand up with Hermione and head towards the older boy, and as I get closer to him I see a badge on his rob stating that he is a school prefect.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Gryffindors! I am Percy Weasley, Gryffindor prefect along with Zoe Lindenburg. If you would please follow us to the Gryffindor dormitory." Percy, who apparently does happen to be another Weasley, told us before quickly turning on his heels and walking out of the Great Hall, leaving the first years to catch up.

Percy and Zoe lead us up the staircase in the entry hall, the through a corridor, and another staircase, then another one, then another hall. Pretty soon, I'm going to be lost and will never be able to get to my common room. "Is that staircase moving?" I hear a voice ask from towards the front of the group. I look up to see a staircase moving above us to reveal a giant room full of moving staircases.

"Yeah, be careful about that. These stairs are always tricky, they never take you where you want to go. Normally they're nice the first week." Zoe explains from the back of the group as we start heading up the first staircase. Slowly, we start making our journey upwards, hopefully we don't have to travel too far upwards.

I stand corrected, half of the new Gryffindors are wheezing as we continue to still climb the stairs. "Is this some sort of prank or do we actually have to climb this many stairs just to sleep after dinner?" I ask as we pause to give some kids some air.

"Actually though," A boy says from beside me. "How many floors are there in this place?" I look over and see a boy with dirty blonde hair, which is messy. "I'm Brady Kappel by the way." He smiles at me and I shake his hand, recognizing him as the boy who was sorted right after Harry.

"Y/n l/n." I say as we start to ascend the stars again. "So, have you heard of Hogwarts before?" I ask him, not knowing how to starts a conversation, while lifting my robes so I don't step on them.

Brady shakes his head. "My parents aren't wizards. It was kind of a shock finding out I could do magic. I can't imagine what my parents would think of this place!" He laughs a little to himself, looking around once more, which is when I realize there are some paintings that are moving.

"I'm from a muggle family, too!" I tell him, realizing that there must be quite a few muggle-borns in this school since I've already met three people that are. "Can you believe that this is all real? Like, imagine, just yesterday we were in a place with no magic, and now we're here, where you can't get away from it!" I laugh as I point at a painting with a women waving at us. I smile and wave back to her.

"This is our dormitory." Percy says as we finally reach our destination. I look around for some kind of door, but there isn't any. I glanced confusingly at Hermione, who managed to stand next to me, and she looks at me and yet again, just shrugs.

"Where exactly is the dormitory?" I hear Ron ask his older brother who just looks at him annoyed, as if Ron spoiled the surprise.

Percy sighs and turns towards a painting of a fat lady wearing a dress. It takes a few seconds, but I soon realize that she too, is moving. "Caput Draconis." Percy states and the lady nods her head, swinging towards us. "That's the password to get into our dormitory. Better remember it, or else you won't be let in, even if the Fat Lady recognizes that you're a Gryffindor." Percy leads into a room that has a very homey feel, I like it.

The walls are covered in scarlet wallpaper and a giant fireplace takes up one wall. On another wall is what looks like a news board, and on another is a window overlooking some sort of field, which looks like a Quidditch field from what Ron told me. On the last wall there are two staircases. "Girls on the left, boys on the right, both the first landing. You will find that your belongings are already there. Enjoy your stay at Hogwarts!" Zoe says, waving goodbye to us as we all head up the stairs.

(A/N: Just going to quickly state again, PLEASE tell me who you want a love interest to be. You can say multiple people!!)

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