Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! Come on, let's go get breakfast!" I wake up to Hermione shaking me and yelling in my face. I cringe and groan, not wanting to get out of bed. Then remembering where I am, I sit up straight, stretching.

Hermione smiles when she sees that I'm awake and skips off to get dressed. I swing my feet over the bed and hop out, smiling. I still cannot believe that any of this is real. Opening the trunk at the foot of my bed, I pull out our uniform and robe. I notice that during the night my robes got a Gryffindor crest on them. I quickly throw the clothes on and brush through my hair, not bothering to do anything with it.

"You ready, Hermione?" I ask, grabbing my wand from the stand next to my bed. I turn around to see Hermione doing the final touches to her hair, and the other girls are just starting to wake up. Hermione turns to face me and nods her head. I smile at her and start to head to the door.

I take my first step down the stairs when suddenly I'm not walking down them, I'm sliding down them! The stairs have become a slide! Do they always do this? As soon as it started, the slide stopped when I reached the bottom. I look up to see Seamus Finnigan with his foot on the slide. "Oh, hello there!" I say, standing up and brushing myself off, even though nothing got on me.

"Sorry about that! The Weasley twins told me that they saw Neville's toad going up the stairs, so I went to go get it!" Seamus quickly says, taking his foot off of the stars and I watch them turn back to normal.

"It's okay. I thought it was actually pretty fun!" I say, laughing. He smiles at me and I hear Hermione coming down the stairs.

"Y/n! Are you okay? Which boy tried going up our stairs?" Hermione reaches the bottom of the stairs and sees me talking to Seamus. "Seamus, didn't you know that boys can't go in the girls' dormitory?" Hermione asks him, rolling her eyes when he shakes his head. "Come on, y/n. Let's go get some food." Hermione grabs my arm and starts to pull me toward the exit to the halls. I look back at Seamus and shrug my shoulder, laughing a little.

"How could someone be so ignorant? He had to have known what the stairs would do!" Hermione exclaims as we make our way to the Great Hall.

"I don't know if you realize it, Hermione, but not everyone in this school read up on Hogwarts before they came." I roll my eyes at her. "I certainly didn't." I wave to a portrait of an old man as we continue our journey to the food.

"Well, you're a muggle-born. I wouldn't expect you to." Hermione pointed out, ignoring the fact that she, herself, was also muggle-born. "But Seamus is a half-blood. His mum must have told him some stuff about Hogwarts!"

Finally, we reach the Great Hall and take a seat at the Gryffindor table across from Seamus and Brady. "How did you guys beat us down here?" I ask them, grabbing some pancakes and putting them on my plate.

Seamus and Brady looked at each other, smiling. "We have our ways." Brady says, grabbing some sausages. Soon they both start laughing. "The Weasleys showed us some shortcuts so it wouldn't take so long to get here and back." Brady explains, taking a bite out of his sausage.

"You're going to have to show me because I am not climbing up all of those stairs again." I tell them, cutting my pancakes and stuffing them in my mouth. Once I finish my pancakes, I take some sausage, bacon, and eggs. They really do have amazing food here!

"The owls are here!" Hermione suddenly shouts, pointing to the ceiling. I look up to see a heavy stream of owls flying into the Great Hall through the windows. The owls are all carrying something, whether it's a package, a letter, or even some newspaper. I watch as all the owls land in front of the person they're delivering to, when suddenly one lands in front of me!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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