6. Cam Fowler (Anaheim Ducks #4)

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The theme of this request was you're on a hockey team with him and someone hurts you so he starts fighting the player who hurt you!

Hope you enjoy!! ☺️☺️

Manca's POV
I lace up my skates and pull my helmet up.
"Ready babe?" My boyfriend Cam asks.
"Yeah! I'm ready to kick some ass!" I cheer reaching for my stick. Cam and I were in a beer league along with some of the other Anaheim players and their girlfriends and wives. We hit the ice for some warm up and then the game begins. Cam and I were on the same line for once. I'm usually with Ryan Getzlaf, his wife and Hampus Lindholm so it's nice to have a change. We're currently up 3-1 in the second period.
"Good job babe!" Cam cheers as I score the third goal.
"Thanks lover boy," I say before taking the face off. I pass the puck to Hampus and he sends it back. I wind up to shoot when a big player comes and slams me in the air onto the ice. My body hits with extreme force that has me gasping for air. The whistle is blown and the player skates to the penalty box arguing but it's all a blur to me. All I can concentrate on is the intake of air. Cam rushes over to me and bends down taking off his helmet.
"Manca, are you ok?" He asks worry evident in his eyes. I let out a cough and a weak 'yes'. "Where does it hurt baby?"
"My chest and back," I cry trying to get up.
"Don't get up," the trainer for the beer league team walks out and inspects me. He then helps me up and have Ryan and Cam help me to the bench. I sit down and our coach hands me a water bottle.
"Alright, so how are you feeling now?" He asks.
"I'm ok," I say sipping on the water. The trainer checks out my back and then tells me I shouldn't return to the game. I agree sadly. "It's for the best right?" He nods and I turn my attention to the ice where the whistles are going crazy. There is Cam fist fighting with the player that hurt me.
"CAM!" I scream trying to get his attention as he gets the player on the ice as the refs pull him off. He skates to the penalty box without a second thought. The ref helps the injured player up and over to his bench. His face is all bloody and swollen. I shoot Cam a glare.
"He was protecting his girl," Ryan says looking at me.
"He didn't have to,"
"He had to," Ryan's wife says. "It's his duty as a boyfriend,"
"Says who?"
"Him, all boys. We have to protect our girls, it's the rules," at the end of the game I am waiting for him in the lobby. I had to leave the game early so the trainer could check me out better. He felt he hadn't done a through examination on my chest and back. So here I am standing there in the lobby with my hands on my hips getting ready for my idiot boyfriend to emerge. Once again I come in contact with the guy who hit me.
"What do you want? To hit me again?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"No I want to say sorry,"
"It happens. Part of hockey," I wave it off. He mutters sorry again and leaves. Soon Cam comes out.
"You're an idiot," I shake my head at him.
"Sorry, I was protecting my girlfriend. That douche got what was coming to him," he mutters wrapping his arms around my waist lightly.
"I love you, please don't do that again though," I peck his lips softly.
"I'll try not to, no promises," he winks.
"You do that again and you'll be without a girlfriend," his eyes widen and I let out a giggle.
"Yes mam... Sorry mam,"
"Come on let's get home,"

Sorry it isn't very long but I hope you enjoy it!! ☺️☺️

Don't forget to request if you have an idea!

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