33. Julien Gauthier (Val-d'Or Foreurs #12)

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Julien Gauthier
The prompt for this was: going to the gym with Julien as something he likes and in return him doing a spa day with you
Hope you enjoy!

"FIVE MORE Y/N GO GO GO GO!!" Julien yells at his girlfriend as she runs past him. Y/N flips him off huffing and puffing. "Five more and you'll get a treat."
"My body... Hurts," she whines running back. Finally after the fifth time she collapses on the floor. Julien rolls her on her back and grabs one of her legs stretching it out.
"Just lay there. I can stretch your legs for you." He offers rubbing her right calf. She whines trying to pull away from him. "It'll hurt for a second and then feel better. Trust me," he keeps eye contact with her until she nods. "Remember to breathe."
"I'm going to kill you," she threatens him trying to come off as angry but he sees her as a little girl trying to threaten him. Cute with an open threat.
"No you're not. When your legs don't hurt anymore we're doing more." She groans and gives him a look.
"Are you serious?"
"You wanted to train with me remember?" They had a serious conversation about training and working out a few days prior to this workout where she was very enthusiastic about working out with him.
"Yeah.. Yeah, I know what I said." She smiles tiredly at Julien who's still working on her seizing muscles. After a little while they feel better and she can sit up long enough to rub her arms. Julien holds his hands out for her to take and when she does he pulls her into him.
"So, you still going to finish working out with me?" He asks.
"If I do can we still have a spa day when we get upstairs?" She asks referring to Julien's house which was above where they were currently standing.
"Of course. Hot bath, massages, nails, that face thing you like. Whatever you want, you are doing what I want so I'll do what you want." He says kissing her sweaty forehead.
"So, what now?" She asks looking up at him.
"Squats and lunges have to get that booty popping." He says smacking her bu,. She yelps and smacks his out of retaliation.
"Mine already is popping mister." She glares at him before stepping away to give it a little shake. "Don't tease." Julien moans looking at her hungrily.
"Hey hey, I am not teasing. Trust me you'd know if I was!" She winks before grabbing some weights and beginning to squat. He grabs some weights and joins her.
After a long and painful workout the two of them trudge upstairs on trembling limbs. Y/N collapses at the top of the stairs and Julien effortlessly scoops her up.
"My legs hurt Julien." She moans in his ear.
"We're going to go have a bath and then I can rub them for you."
"I'll rub yours for you as well." She promises nuzzling his neck. They undress to their underwear and fill up the bath tub. Y/N lights some candles as Julien pours bubbles. She sits on one side of the tub and he sits on the other.
"Okay, leg." She says holding her hand out. Julien lifts his and places it in her hand.
"Your turn too." Julien says reaching under the water to pull out her leg.
"So, we really haven't done anything like this before.... Well, in a long time. It's nice, I miss spending time with you. Especially when you're away for hockey." She whispers staring at the soapy water. His fingers dig into her calf muscles as he thinks.
"Baby, I should have spent more time with you during the year."
"You had no choice love, it's your life and you shouldn't have to change for me. I knew what I signed up for when I decided to date you. I could've said no to the crazy life but I didn't and I couldn't have chosen a better life to be a part of." She smiles leaning forward to try and kiss his lips. He leans forward and meets her halfway.
"This isn't working." She laughs letting his leg go. He laughs about it as well letting her leg go as well. Julien scoots towards her connecting their lips.
"I love you." He whispers to her.
"I love you too, Julien."
Once out of the tub the two of them dress in comfy clothing and carry the things they need to into his room. Y/N grabs her bag from the front door with her supplies for tonight in it.
"What did you bring for us?" He asks plopping himself down on his bed. She sits beside him and pulls things out one by one.
"Well, I brought some candy. Even though we're trying to be healthy." She laughs pulling out a plastic bag full of five cent candies.
"Yum... Okay very good! What else?" She pulls out face masks and some cream.
"Well facials and foot rubs. Gotta keep our skin looking nice." Julien nods.
"Can't argue there."
"Lay down, I'll apply your mask for you." She says and Julien complies. She gently starts to put the mask all over his face.
"It feels weird," he comments crinkling his nose up.
"You can't move like that. It'll crack and won't work! It does feel weird though but you're skin will feel amazing after."
"I'm trusting you baby."
"Very happy to hear that." She giggles as she finished applying his mask. "You one hundred percent want to relax?" She asks and he nods. She sits at the top of the bed.
"Place your head in my lap." He smiles and lays his head in her lap. She's smiles down at the boy with the mud filled face running her fingers through his hair.
"Your turn in a few minutes." He promises with a nod of his head.
"Can't wait." The pair sit and talk about everything until they have to get up to wash Julien's face.
"Lay down! You're turn!" He says giddy. She shakes her head but complies with her boyfriend laying on his bed. Julien grabs some of the mask and begins to apply it.
"Make sure not to get it near my eyes or my mouth. The rest is free." She closes her eyes.
"Have you no faith in me." He gasps dramatically.
"What? No never." He tickles her stomach lightly and she squirms around. "No Julien!" She squeals in laughter. He just laughs and starts to apply the mask again. These were the times every busy couple dreamed of having.

This took forever and I'm so sorry. I've been so busy lately and any want to write goes out the window.
Hope you enjoy!
Thanks 💗😊

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