1: Kellin

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**Kellin's POV**

I walked through the house aimlessly. I had lost count of how many days that it had been since I had last left this place. Once again I found myself staring out of the window for a moment. The air was thick and gloomy, even in the house. Was it winter, spring, summer... maybe fall? I couldn't tell anymore. Every day just looked exactly the same; gloomy, quiet and empty.

I was alone, completely alone. And I had been for so many days. But at least I was in the comfort of my own home. Part of me liked it that way.

Even as I would look out of the window, the streets were quiet and empty. The only people I had seen pass by were a woman and her son. I saw them pass by every day. They were always holding hands, and smiling as they passed the house, walking up from the left, and disappearing into the thick air again on the right.

Every. Single. Day.

Not once had I even wondered why I never saw anyone else anymore. Maybe everyone had forgotten about me? Or maybe they had finally left me alone like I had sort of asked them to? I simply grew used to the fact that I was alone though. And I never went out further than my porch. I simply didn't feel the need to.

I was a writer, you see. I wrote books about unusual and uncanny things. I wasn't a great writer though. Not once had I managed to write a bestseller. But I was good enough to have my books pay for my bills, so I was content.

One morning that started out just as gloomy and empty as all the others, I was woken up by music. Music? It was something I hadn't heard since those gloomy days had started.

I threw on some sweatpants and looked out of the window. Nothing had changed there. I then followed the noise downstairs into the living room, and that's where I found it; there was a laptop situated on the edge of the saloon table, playing some 90's pop-rock playlist. But that wasn't all. As I looked around me, I saw that the living room was suddenly filled with boxes and furniture that I had never seen before in my life.

"Where the hell did that come from?" I muttered, furrowing my brows in confusion. "That's not mine."

I then suddenly felt a wave of warm air passing by, and noticed just a glimpse of a man's figure. "What the hell?"

Something weird was going on here. Someone, or something, was in my house. And though I had to admit that the silence being gone was a nice thing, I needed some sort of explanation. Was I dreaming this?

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