3: Kellin

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**Kellin's POV**

Slowly but surely, the house was starting to fill up, with all kinds of stuff. It surely made the house feel more home-like, but they weren't my things.

Whose things were they though?

I knew that most of my own things were, for some reason, stuffed away down in the basement, behind a door that would simply not open. No matter how much I tried, it wouldn't budge, not one bit. Surprisingly, I never even wondered why, until now.

Strange things were happening, that was obvious.

I made my way into the bathroom upstairs, didn't take much notice to the tap that was already running, and splashed some water in my face. As I opened my eyes to look into the mirror, I suddenly saw someone else in the reflection.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed as I stumbled backwards. As soon as I had corrected myself, I quickly looked back into the mirror again. But this time, it was my own reflection.

The image that I had in my mind of the other face wasn't clear. All I remembered was long brown hair, tanned skin and brown eyes... basically the opposite of me.

For a while, I just stood there and stared into the mirror.

What the heck was going on? Why was I seeing things?

After I had decided to let it go for the night, I headed up to my bedroom and started to undress. That's when the really weird shit started happening. I looked up and saw the clear image of another man, on the other side of the room, also casually undressing. The image was as clear as day now.

The recognition of the long brown hair then flashed before my eyes.

"Dude!" I yelled at the boy. "Who the fuck...?"

But he did not react at all. It was like he couldn't hear me, or even see me for that matter.

"Umm... hello?" I watched him as he undressed, hoping for a reaction or something that could explain this.

But the boy was still completely unaware. When he was down to his mere birthday suit, which honestly wasn't a bad sight, he stretched and yawned. My eyes widened as I just stared at him, both confused and amazed at what was happening. The boy, who was clearly not much older than me, tapped his chest a few times and then crawled under the sheets of the bed.

"Dude, you sleep naked? Oh fuck no." I exclaimed as I witnessed the weird scene. "Man, don't get your dong and nuts all over my clean sheets, I don't even know you! That's just dis..."

I then fell silent. They weren't my sheets. It wasn't even my bed anymore. It had all been replaced, and I hadn't even noticed until now.

I sighed deeply and let myself fall into the chair that stood behind me. "Can I just wake up from this stupid dream already?" I muttered to myself as I buried my face into my hands.

Writing had seemed to have gotten to my sanity, or something.

What else could it have been?

Better Off Dead (Kellic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now