Chapter 8

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We pulled into Seth's driveway,"Hannah isn't here. Neither are my parents."He said. I opened my door, putting the paper in my purse again, and walked up the driveway to the front door, which he unlocked, and I walked in.

Once the door was closed, Seth pulled me in, and kissed my forehead. I sobbed into his shoulder. After a couple minutes like that, he picked me up, and carried me up the stairs, into his room. He set me down on his bed, and laid down next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

After a little while, I rolled over, facing him. He kissed my forehead again,"You okay?"He asked. I gave a half shrug,"I will be,"I said. He pulled me closer, kissing me.

He pulled away after a couple seconds,"You know something?"He asked, and I looked at him, curiously,"I've been so crazy in love with you since I was fourteen and you were thirteen,"He said.

I'm falling in love with him. And I'm falling fast.


I woke up the next morning, Seth's arm around me. I turned over."Hey."I poked his nose. His eyes fluttered. I poked his nose again,"Wake up."I said. He lifted his head, and smiled,"Hey."He said. I half-smiled back,"Goodmorning. You have a baseball game today, remember?"I reminded him. He nodded, and buried his face into my shoulder,"I don't wanna,"He complained. I laughed,"Whatever. You love baseball. More than me."He looked at me, and smiled,"Nah. I could never love anything more than you.

I got up, and went into Hannah's room. She was back, and fast asleep. As quietly as I could, I searched through her closet, finding some skinny jeans and a Newsboys t-shirt.  Plus with my black boots, it would go perfectly with my messy bun. 

I walked back into Seth's room after changing, and stuffed my other clothes in my purse. Yeah. It's that big.

After Seth got ready, he drove us to the highschool. He walked to the lockerroom, while I walked to the bleachers. Joey was there.

I walked all the way down to the bottom of the metal seats, him following me once I passed. I leaned against the railing. He came up next to me."I'm going to kill you for rejecting me."He threatened,"Joey, didn't you learn? Seth always finds where I am. You're never going to get me."I sighed."Trust me."Joey said, smugly."I will never trust you again,"I snapped back, walking away. The baseball players walked into the dugout, and then out onto the field to get ready for the game. 

Joey, again, walked up next to me. He took my hand. I immediately took it back,"Uh-uh."I shook my head, looking at him again. He then took my hand, and basically held it as tight as he possibly could so I wouldn't be able to let go. 

Seth saw me struggling, and ran over to the bleachers,"Let go of her now, before I tackle you.... Again,"He looked at Joey, who let go,"Good- now go over there,"He pointed all the way across the bleachers. Joey left me alone the entire game.

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