Chapter 13

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"Wait, what?"Joey frowned.

"You heard me. Kill me. I have no point in living anymore."I shrugged.

He looked at his friends, who were very confused. 

"Oh my God, just take you knife and slide it across my neck."I rolled my eyes.

At that moment, I heard a shout."Skylar!"I turned. It was Seth.

"What are you doing?"He reached me.

"She just told me to kill her."Joey looked at Seth, who looked back at him, and then at me."What?"

"I don't have a life, Seth. My parents are dead. My siblings hate me, and now Hannah does too. You have a new girlfriend, Joey hates me. I don't have a home. I'm beat up everyday, I'll die eventually, I just want to make it quick."I said, tears starting to stream down my face. Seth stared into my eyes.

Please tell me not to go through with this. Please tell me to be strong. Please tell me to come live with you. Please tell me I'm beautiful. Please tell me you love me. Please tell me to live. I'll listen to you.

There was a long silence. I thought for a long time. More tears came down my face, and we all just stared at eachother. That was right before I started to walk away. I couldn't take the quiet. Seth chased after me. Were basically alone. Joey had gone back to what he was doing before.

"Skylar-"He began, but I shook my head. My shaky voice was back,"Seth, I was those long hugs, those cuddles. I want you to kiss me, and tell me everything is going to okay. I want you save me from Joey, and then to take care of me afterwards. I want those long nights back, where you wrap you arm around me. I want you to tell me I'm the most gorgeous girl in the world. I just want you to love me again."I went on and on of all the things I want back.

"Who said I ever stopped loving you?"Seth asked, before pulling me in close by the waist, and kissing me. I breathed it in. I breathed it all in. The smell, the taste, the sight. I wanted it to last forever. I never wanted it to go away. But he did eventually pull away. He hugged me, resting his chin on my forehead."God your beautiful. Don't you ever try to die again."He said, hugging me tighter. I smile, gripping his shirt tightly in my hands.


Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you're enjoying my story. 

Make sure to comment down below whether you thought that I was really going to end the story with Seth dating another girl or not!

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