Chapter 10

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Let's fast forward a bit. It was right after graduation- Seth had called me over to his house. He was packing to move into an apartment on campus of the university he was attending.

I opened the door to his room,"Hey!"I smiled. He walked over, pecking my lips, before going back to packing."I can't believe you're moving away."I groaned, jumping onto his bed face first. He chuckled,"Yeah, but in exactly one year, you'll be packing to come live with me."He said.

"That's a whole year away! You'll be so lonely in your apartment!"I pointed out."Nah, Drake is going to come stay with me."Drake was a friend he had met through baseball. He moved to the high school almost towards the end, and played the last game- which we won. He and Seth had become really good friends through that winning game. They had been the last two people to hit home. 

"You'll come back and and spend my birthday with me, won't you?"I checked. He nodded,"Of course. I would never miss it. I smiled,"Good."

I laid on his bed, thinking for a little while he packed. Something came into mind.

"Joey. What if he tries to kill me again?"I shivered at the thought. 

"Stay away from him and his group."Seth paused, before going back to packing.

"Seth."I said, getting his attention,"I tried that last year. Remember at the baseball game? He pulled me away while you were playing. I'm serious. What if that happens again?

"Skylar. Please- just don't go anywhere alone. You can handle him."I nodded.

The next day, I drove over to Seth's house again, and waved goodbye as he drove off to college. 

Right after that, and hugging Hannah so she wasn't that sad anymore, I drove home. I unlocked the door, and walked in,"Mom! I'm home!"I called. No answer. Not even from Nick or Lily."Mom?"I called up the stairs. No answer.

I walked up the narrow steps, and into her bedroom, where my mother lay, passed out on the floor. I screamed, and called an ambulence, who arrived shortly. They carried her down the stairs, before wheeling her out to the car. I followed to the hospital in my own car.


A doctor walked towards me,"Ms. Santiago?"He asked. I nodded, nervously, standing up. He sighed,"You may go see her. Be warned though- she will most likely never wake up."My jaw dropped, and I sprinted to her room."Mom!"I gasped, seeing her skinny body laying in the bed.

"No..."I whispered, taking her hand in both of mine."You can't just leave me like this!"I cried."Wake up... Please."

That night, after taking my siblings to see my mother for one of the last times, I called Seth talking to him on the phone.

"What am I going to do? My grandma's going to come live with us, but I can't stand her. She's just so,'Oh come bake cookies with us, and go to the petting zoo to pet baby turtles!' I can't take that kind of thing. I mean, my parents were fun, but practical!"I said.

"You could always come live with me!"Seth suggested.

I thought about it, then sighed."I can't. It's too far from school. Gas is too expensive."I said.

An idea struck me."Listen, I have to go. I'll call you later."I said, and hung up. Then I called Hannah.

"What would your parents say about me moving in?"I asked. She screamed. 

The next day, I went to the hospital with Nick and Lily. I gave the doctors my decision. If she was never going to wake up, then we might as well unplug the life control. I watched it happen, but had my siblings wait in the waiting room. I held her hand, too."Goodbye, mama. I love you, and always will. Tell daddy I said hello."I cried. There was a long beep.

I walked out to the waiting room, tears staining my face. I held my hands out for them."Come on,"I sniffed. In my car, I told them the plan,"Grandma is going to come live with you. I'm going to live with Hannah."Nick narrowed his eyes.

"Are you kidding me, Skylar? Our parents die, and you see this opportunity to move out? We need YOU more than ever right now!"He snapped."Nick- honestly. This is my life. You're not mom or dad. I- I can't live in that house anymore. I love you, though. Okay?"I said. Dead silence the rest of the drive.

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