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Next day
"Evreyone in the car," Tucker said.
"Where we're going?" I asked.
"Close your eyes til we get there," Tom said.
"Fine," I said.
25 minutes later
"We're here," KK said.
"OH MY GOSH," I yelled acting like a 5 year old.
"I knew she would love it," Tim said.
"It's 3 Doors Down. Duh," I said.
In the car after concert
As always, 3 Doors Down rocked the whole damn place. The last song they did was stuck in my head, that's a good thing cause it's a new song. (in media)
"I can't wait for the next CD," I said.
"We know," Todd said.
We got to our room door and Dean was there.
"Where were you guys?" he asked.
"Deez nuts," I said as we laughed.
"Real funny," he said.
"At a concert," KK said.
"No wonder," he said.
"Tyler, open the damn door. My damn bed is calling my damn name," Todd said.
"We'll see you tomorrow, Ambrose," Tyler said opening the door.
"Later," he said.
"Night, guy," I said.
"Night," they said.

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