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"You and KK have a match against The Bellas," Tyler said.
"Yay, I get to team with my sis," I said.
"Let do what we do best," KK said.
No one POV
We are the ones We get knocked down We get back up and stand above the crowd We are one
"This next tag team match is set for one fall. First, being accompanied by One-X, the WWE Divas champion, KK."
It's not what I took from you It's not what I stole We are born like this
"And her partner, KJ."
You can look but you can't touch
"And their opponents, Nikki and Brie, The Bella Twins."
Then, Dean, Roman, and Seth came.
"What are they're doing out?" JBL said.
"Now joining us, Seth Rollins," Michael said.
"What are you doing?" Jarry said.
"Watching a match," Seth said.
Nikki pushed KJ in the corner with many kicks to the gut. KJ pushed Nikki out the way and drop kicked her. She went for the pin but got a one count. She clotheslined Nikki and kept stomping. KJ dragged Nikki to their corner. She tagged in KK and she went for the pin but got a two. Nikki kicked her in the gut and tagged in Brie. Brie went for the pin but got a one count. Brie tried to clothesline her but KK hit Life or Death. She then put Brie in One Wrong. Nikki tried to break the hold but KJ hit Been To Hell.
"I'm the reason you came here," KJ yelled.
"American Tragedy to Nikki while Brie in One Wrong and they have to tap," Michael said.
"Your winners, the WWE Divas champion KK and KJ."
KJ then grabbed a mic.
"Get your ass out here AJ," she said.
Let's light it up light it up light it up light it up
"What do you want," AJ said.
"You, me at Summer Slam," she said.
"Ok," AJ said.
"See ya Sunday," KJ said.
"At Summer Slam, it's AJ against KJ," Jarry said.
"Great job," Todd said hugging me.
"Can't fucking breathe, bitch," I said.
"Sorry," he said.
"Guess what," I said.
"What?" they asked.
"Anie git a shot for the title next week," I said.
"She going to win," Tyler said.
"Night," I said.
"Night," they said.

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