The Day After Summer Slam 2015 part 2

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Dean's POV
"This looks like the FBI SWAT gear," KJ said.
"You're slow," Seth said.
"A little. Get it from my Uncle Megatron," she said.
"Megatron is a robot from a movie," Roman said.
"His real name is Jake. We just call him that cause he acts like Megatron," she said.
"Ok," I said.
"Which match is first?" KJ asked.
"Your against Nikki," I said.
"I'm about to whoop somebody ass. Ohh, I'm about to whoop somebody ass," she said.
"Really?" Seth asked.
"Yes," she said.
No one POV
"This next match is scheduled for one fall. First, being accompanied by The Shield, KJ."
You can look but you can't touch
"And her opponent, being accompanied by Brie Bella and Alicia Fox, Nikki Bella."
Nikki had a mic in hand along with Brie and Alicia.
"Once I beat you, I'll beat beat your sister and take the Divas Championship from her," Nikki said.
"The day you beat her is the day hell froze over. Now, get in the damn ring," KJ said.
"That's no way to talk to your so to be champion," Alicia said.
"You need to show respect," Brie said as Nikki got in the and the match started.
20 minutes later
Nikki tried to pin KJ, but got a one count. KJ got up and drop kicked her. When Nikki got up, KJ hit Been To Hell.
"I'm the reason you came here," KJ said as she put her in American Tragedy. Nikki tapped.
"Your winner, KJ."
"Nikki, I'm the second American Tragedy, not an ass kisser," KJ said as she left the ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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