The Day After Summer Slam 2015 part 1

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No one POV
The Shield jumped over the barricade, grab some mics, and got in the ring.
"KJ come out here," Seth said.
It's not what I took from you It's not what I stole We are born like this
"Before I forget to say this t-t-thanks," KJ said.
"You don't say that much, do you?" Dean asked.
"Yup, it's weird," she said.
"Lets get to the point," Seth said.
"What's that?" KJ asked.
"Join the Shield," Roman said.
"Hell why not," KJ said.
"Is that a yes?" Dean asked.
"First, answer this. The answer to this will be your answer," KJ said.
"Ok, what is it?" Roman asked.
"Is Megaton a dumbass?" KJ said.
"Really?" Dean asked.
"Just answer," KJ said.
"Yes?" Seth said.
"Everyone knows Megaton is a dumbass. There's your answer," she said.
Then Triple H came out.
"KJ, one more thing," he said.
"What?" she said.
"Not only will you be in the diva division, you will also be in the superstar division," he said.
"Ok, cool," she said.
"KJ should be worry, she in both divisions," JBL said.
"It's like she has no fear," Michael said.
"Tonight, You guys will be in a tag team match against The New Day and The Miz," he said.
"KJ will go one on one with Nikki Bella," he said.
"And doing what's best for business, KJ will also go against
Neville," he said as he walked backstage.
"Ok, let do it. I'm ready," KJ said.
"Welcome to the team," Seth said.

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