Summer Slam 2015

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"Wake up," Tim said.
"Everyone got their horns?" Tyler asked.
"Yup. Do you have your drum?" KK asked.
"Yup. Let go," Tyler said.
Everyone was on one floor so that made this easy.
"Which song?" I asked.
"The Hey Song," Tom said.
Then, we started playing.
Everyone had a 'are you fucking kidding me' face on.
"Hey," Dean said as we finished.
"Yes," we said.
"What the hell?" Seth asked.
"Today's Summer Slam. Did you forget?" KK asked.
"I hope you don't do that everyday," Roman said.
"Sometime," Tim said.
"I'm going for a run. Second American Tragedy out," I said.
"Ok," they said.
Dean's POV
"Who's the first?" Seth asked.
"Charlie Scene," KK said.
"There's a lot to do when it comes to KJ," Todd said.
"We'll go over that now," Tyler said.
"Oh my gosh," I said.
1 hours before Summer Slam
"Lets go bitches," I said.
"To the car," Todd said.
No one POV
You can't see me
"This next match is set for one fall and it's for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The challenger, The WWE United States Champion, John Cena."
"And his opponent, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins."
34 minutes later
John did the AA to Seth but Seth kicked out. Seth got up and drop kicked Cena and went for a Curb Stomp and the pin.
"Your winner and still heavyweight champion. Seth Rollins."
Then Triple H came out.
"Great job," Triple H raising Seth's hand up. Then Triple H kicked him in the gut and hit The
Pedigree and lefted the ring.
Dean's POV
"Ready bro?" Roman asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Seth?" he asked.
"Yup," Seth said.
"Let do it then," I said.
No one POV
Catching flies in his mouth
"This next match is set for one fall. First, being accompanied by Erick Rowan, Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt. The Wyatt Famliy."
"And their opponents, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. The Shield."
31 minutes later
Roman tagged in Dean and Luke tagged in Bray. Bray had Dean set up for the Sister Abigail but Dean powered out and hit Dirty Deeds and went for the pin.
"Your winners, The Shield."
Then Bray, Luke, and Erick attacked Roman and Dean. Then.
"It's Seth," Michael said.
Seth went for Erick, Roman went for Luke, and Dean went for Bray.
"Triple powerbomb to Bray," Jarry said.
"The Shield is back," Michael said.
It's not what I took from you It's not what I stole We are born like this
"This next match is set for one fall. First KJ."
"They're still here," JBL said.
"Now joining us, The Shield," Michael said.
"Why are you still here?" JBL asked.
"Watching a match," they all said.
Let's light it up light it up light it up light it up
"And her opponent, AJ Lee."
20 minutes later
"AJ just woke up Jay," Michael said.
Then KJ hit Been To Hell.
"I'm the reason you came here," KJ said.
Then KJ put AJ in American Tragedy. AJ tapped out.
"Your winner, KJ."
Then AJ and The Wyatts attacked KJ.
"What the hell," Jarry said.
Then The Shield jumped in and dealed with The Wyatts and KJ dealed with AJ.
"Triple powerbomb to Luke," Michael said.
"KJ just did her brothers and sister's move Life or Death to AJ," Jarry said.
Then Bray got a mic.
"This is Sister Abigail," he said pointing to AJ.
Then KJ got a mic.
"Sister Abigail my ass. You think you can attacked me. Watch your backs. You will fall at the hands of the second American Tragedy," she said then lefted the ring.
"That's great," Tyler said.
Then Dean, Seth, and Roman came.
"I got a question for you three," I said.
"What?" Dean asked.
"What are those?" I asked laughing.
"Really?" Seth asked.
"Get use to it," Todd said.
"One-x, The Shield, and KJ to Triple H's office," the speaker said.
Triple H's office
"Starting tomorrow, KJ will travel with the boys," Stephanie said.
"Ok," we said.
"You can go," Triple H said.
"We'll see you later," I said.
"Night," they said.
"Night," I said.
Can't wait for tomorrow.
Finally finished the Summer Slam 2015 chapter. Will start 'The Night After Summer Slam 2015' chapter.

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