Chapter 10

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I walked after him. Grabbing him by his arm. I pulled him back to look at me. His expression was blank.

"Why tell me that and walk off? Why do you tell me you love me and walk off like you don't?"

"Do you think I like to hear how I hurt you? How you are left with your thoughts and come up with your own conclusions? I'm trying Selena. I'm trying to tell you yes I made a mistake but I'm gonna make up for it. But your making it difficult. When there's a little crack open you shut the door back. It hurts me." I open my mouth to say something but shut it. I turned back to the room. Before shutting the door I looked at him. I knew my face held saddness.

"I'm sorry I keep hurting you." I shut the door and put my back against it. I heard him sigh and went to my door. He laid his head on it. We stayed like that for a few moments. I knew he was giving me my space. If he really wanted too he would knock the door down. I went to go lay on my bed and sulk. All this time I was hurting him. And that hurts me to know I hurt him. I still love him. I never once stopped. I just rather face the anger and hurt that built a wall then to face the love and be vulnerable.

I spent the next two days in my room not coming out. Every morning and night he would come and stand outside my door just waiting for me to open it. I never did. I couldn't face him.
This morning we had company. My father. I ran to my closet and grabbed the first thing I saw which was a royal blue maxi dress. I quickly got dressed and walked downstairs. I peeped in and saw Damon, Matt, and Elena. I was happy to see them, even Elena. Klaus smiled. He was happy he got his book. But he lifted his head.

"Welcome Selena. Care joining us?" I walked in shyly. Damon sped over to me and embraced me. It took me by surprised at first but I welcomed it and even returned it. I missed everyone. I went to sit and Matt sat by me. He grabbed my hand and just stared at Klaus. Klaus's whole demeanor changed. He was tensed. I just looked at the ground. They kept talking about the grimore. When it was time to go I stood up. I finally took a chance to look at Klaus. He was sad I was leaving. I went to take a step towards him But he started speaking.

"Well Selena it's been a pleasure. And maybe well see each other another time." Then he walked off. That stung. He was hurt. I watched him walk away. And all I could do was stand there.

"Against the world." I whispered.

I walked down the steps to Damon's car. We drove back to the boarding house. I went straight to the bar. I grabbed the bourbon bottle and poured a glass and chugged it. Oh how I missed thee. I poured another glass. Stefan walked in from the basement smiling.

"Welcome back Selena. This place wasn't the same without you. Kinda boring."

"Hey!" Damon and Elena both said.

"I resent that remark I'm still the fun brother." Damon pointed at him. "I just been preoccupied." He did his eye thing. I couldn't help but smile. It was so good to be home. But I still felt like I was missing something. I grabbed the bottle and another glass. I hand the glass to Matt. I started up the stairs.

"Even though it was so good to be home, I must head off to my bedroom. Matt shall we?" He followed me up to my room. I shut the door after he walked in. He went to go sit on my bed as I plugged up my dead phone. I poured him a glass and then me. I sat up against my foot board staring off into space.

"Tell me Matty how was life without me?"

"Hell." He let out a chuckle. "No I missed my best friend."

"I missed you too. Where were the grimores?" His face went pale. I gave him a concerned look.

"Did you know there's a cave deep in the woods?" I thought for a minute. I faintly remember going to a cave when I was a little girl. I remember there was a little girl my age I use to play with. She was a Bennett. My mother brought me. She pleaded with them. I don't remember what she asked for. I just remember her upset and pleading and kept mentioning my name. I must had zoned out cause Matt kept calling my name.


"What was you thinking about?"

"That cave was where five witches met up and did spells together. They were the most powerful witches at the time. My mother brought me to them." I stared at him. I stood up and headed for the door. Matt followed me. I went downstairs and open the book up. Great I can't read it. Damon and Elena walked in confused. I looked up at Elena.

"Call Bonnie and tell her to get here now." She dialed her and told here to get here. Damon walked over to me. He was concerned. I told him all that I remember and how I been there several times to the cave. I even had a friend that was there. Named Naomi. I sat on the couch while Damon paced trying to figure out what my mother wanted. Bonnie walked in and set her purse down. Elena caught her up and handed her the book. After she read almost half the book she stopped on a page and looked up at me sad. I mean she look like she almost had tears in her eyes.


"Your mother was trying to become immortal. She didn't want to be a vampire. She just wanted to be young forever. And in order for her to do that she had to sacrifice her first born daughter." Bonnie said the last few words slow. As she said them I felt my blood drain. My whole world stopped and shattered. My mother was going to sacrifice me so she could have eternal youth? This can't be. She loved me everyday up till the day she fell into the river and drowned. I sat there. I felt hands and arms all over me. I know I was in shock. I blinked a couple times. I looked back at Bonnie.

"Wait a minute? If yall gave Klaus the book then what's that?"

"Oh this? This is not Abigale's grimore this is Naomi's. And techinacally it's not a spell book just basically her footnotes. Where she watched and took notes." Bonni smiled. Naomi?

"She was my friend from the cave." I said in a whisper. I needed air. I stood up and went outside. I heard footsteps follow me. I needed to be alone. I ran out of the yard. I kept running. I heard shouting but I didn't slow down. To much was revealed tonight. I needed to process all of this.

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