Chapter 14

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I met Rebecca at the library. I knew no one will see us here. I mean I don't think Damon even knows what a library is. I snickered to myself. She walked up and sat across from at the table. She gave me a look.

"Twilight?" She held up the book I was reading.

"They have it so wrong about us." I smiled. Then I turned serious. She let out an exhausted breath.

"What do you want baby Salvatore?"

"I need some answeres." I told her everything I had discovered.
She just stared at me.


"All I can tell is that I don't know an Elle."

"What about Naomi?" She just looked at me. "Bec please?"

"Leave it alone baby Salvatore." She flashed away before I could get more from her. She knows something. I stood up and walked out. I went to go sit on a bench in the square. Matt walked up to me. He must be on break. He sat down beside me and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"She couldn't tell me anything. All she said was she doesn't know an Elle and for me to leave it alone." He was quiet for a moment.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Now I wait." I lifted my head gave him my evil grin.

"I sent word out I'm on the hunt for Elle and Naomi and ones bound to show up."

"Your mother died. She drowned." I gave him a doubious look. I stood up and looked at him.

"Have fun with the rest of your shift. I'm going home." I turned to walk off. I drove back to home. I sigh and walked in.

Its been a week since I met up with Rebecca. I drove my car uptown and parked outside of a boutique. I went in and started looking around. I love this store. They always get in new inventory every few months. I heard the door chimed. Another human walked in. I walked along the rack of clothes and sense someone near me. I turned and saw a carmel colored girl looking at clothes beside me. She had long bushy hair. She turned to smile at me. I smiled and moved past her. I turned back to ask her a question and she was gone. I looked at where she was. I ran outside to see if I could see her out there. Which I didn't. I turned and went back inside. I bought some more clothes and left. I put them in my trunk. I was getting hungry. I looked around at my potential victims. I saw a cute young guy walking. I walked up to him and he grinned. I bit my lip and batted my eyelashes at him. I led him to my car and he got in. We drove to the campgrounds. I turned towards him and compelled him.

"Do not scream or move. This is going to hurt but you'll like it and then when people ask about you say a wild dog got you." My fangs elongated and I bit into his neck.

His door open. He snapped his head towards the person and my head snapped up. I was mad. I'm gonna kill whoever did that. An arm came in and snatch the guy out of my car and threw him down. I got of my car and turn to face the intruder. I stopped before I could do anything. It can't be. I felt my heart racing. My breathing started shortening. Can vampires have a panic attack?

"What are you doing here?" the person smirked.

"I'm here to see what your meddling in, love." I glared at him. I got back in my car and sped off. He was the last person I wanted to see. I walked in and slammed the door. I walked over to the bar and poured myself a glass. Elena walked in the house carrying her books.

"Hey." I said and she jumped. Really? You didn't noticed I was here? Newbies.

"Hey what's wrong?" I chugged my glass and felt the burn.


"One you look like Damon when you drink and the way you hold your glass and two hes back in town?" I nod my head. I went to sit in the couch.

"Love is annoying." I mumbled.

"Time heals all wounds. Its just gonna take sometime thats all." I looked at her.

"There's a difference Elena between petty love and full blown in love. When it's petty love you get over them quickly. Yeah it hurts but you still get over them. It gets to the point where yall can be friends. Like for say you and Matt. But full blown, head over heels, in love never dies. You never get over that person. You become numb to the hurt. You may think your over him But the universe has a funny side. She'll put that idiot in your path and she'll snatch that bandaid off the wounds and make you feel it all over again. She's pretty sadistic if you ask me. But that's how you know your in love. That's how you know it's true." I was staring at the ceiling. "And for the record you can also tell if your in love or infactuated. Your hormones tend to make you think it's love when it's not." She looked at me weird.

"What you mean?"

"Sex Elena, sex. Klaus and I had never had sex."

"What you mean-."

"Yes I'm a virgin vampire. I never been with a guy like that. I've kissed but nothing else." I shrugged my shoulders. There was a questioning look on her face.

"Love." I whispered. Then Damon walked in smiling. I rolled my eyes cause I knew he heard. I glanced over to Elena thinking. Then my phone buzzed. I saw I had two text messages.

Wish me luck got a date tonight ;)
That was from Matt and I smiled. Elena got up and walked over to Damon and they were talking.

Come over love

That was from none other then Klaus. Then I had an idea. I went up to my room and stripped my clothes off. I text him I'll be there soon. I went to go get a shower.
I dressed in tight black skinny jeans and a flowy cami with jewels at the neckline. I slipped on my sparkly black pumps. Grabbing my leather jacket I went downstairs. Stefan was walking up the stairs.

"I'll be back later uncle Stef. Love you." I walked out to my pretty white sports car. I love this car.

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