Chapter 14 - The Magical Wand

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Chapter Fourteen

The Magical Wand

I looked to my right where I saw Jitney Jungle's Pharmacy. In the center of Magic Hollow was a park area covered mostly by red bricks. The bricks circled around and around in a neat pattern.

Henry Tidball pushed his cart in the area. During dinner the night before, and still thinking he meant Madison, Grandpa Red told me, "Anybody who is anybody bought the world's famous chili hotdogs from the rolling hotdog stand owned by Henry 'Heck' Tidball."

"Yesirry," Grandpa said, "his name is Henry 'Heck' Tidball. His name is Heck because, heck, he makes the best hotdogs in town!" My Grandpa acted nutty sometimes.

The store to my left was Nifty Needle Nettie's Sewing Shop, a much smaller rectangular building compared to Aunt Fanny's enormous candy shop. A small window displayed hats adorned with purple ribbons cascading down the back.

I stood outside the shop admiring them. Behind each hat were beautiful creations of different ornament-pins fastened to the base, holding the ribbon in place. Next to the hats, I saw several pictures of women, each wearing one the hats. And as I skimmed over the pictures, I noticed one lady had a familiar face. I looked closer and discovered it was my mother and Grandma Lil.

"May I help you?" a dainty lady asked as she held the store's door open.

"Hello, my name is Skyla Hally."

"Oh!" the lady said with a sweet sounding, yet alarmed, voice while straightening her dress. "It's so nice to meet you. My name is Nettie Navels and I own Nifty Needle Nettie's Sewing Shop," she said proudly. "I see you are admiring the Purple Ribbon Ladies Society hats." She pointed to one of the pictures. "Do you see the person on the bottom left? That's your mother Cathryn standing beside your Grandma Lil."

"I see. And when was this picture taken? Do you remember?"

"It was taken the year she was pregnant with you. So, it had to be...1998. Yes, my goodness that was a wonderful year for our club! We had thirty-three to graduate that year."

"What do you mean...graduate? Are you talking about from the club?"

"Oh, you must come in and have a cup of hot tea," Miss Nettie said as she held the door for me to enter the sewing shop. "There's something I want to show you."

It was a lovely shop containing many varieties of fabrics and ribbons. One wall held many of the famous club's hats. Built in another wall was an unusual glass casing of a vintage looking Purple Ribbon's hat. I read the engraved card. "This belonged to my great-great Grandma Hally."

"Yes, it did, and you should be proud, Skyla. She began something great for witches and wizards alike. And you will continue the legacy," Miss Nettie said with respect and admiration filling in her crinkling eyes.

"Come, sit," Miss Nettie said. She had a quaint little area for her regular guests where hot tea was served for those who came in to relax as they talked or shopped.

After our tea was served, Miss Nettie reached over and picked up a decorative book, handing it to me. History of the Purple Ribbon Ladies Society embellished the front and a picture of this year's group. Grandma Lil and Aunt Fanny proudly stood on the front row in the middle of the group.

As I looked through the book, I could see the resemblance everyone talked about between my mother and me even more.

"She hated leaving Madison, and Magic Hollow," I said, looking at the book.

"But she loved you more, Skyla. She would've lived on the moon if she thought it would've kept you safe," Miss Nettie said genuinely.

I could tell she meant it as I glanced her way. "Thank you. Oh, I know. What I meant to say is that she loved Magic Hollow, but she was happy where she was living. She loved Father and my father loved her, and they had wonderful and dear friends."

At that moment, a dim light appeared from the area where the many hats were displayed on Miss Nettie's wall of hats. Also from the spot, I heard a strange noise. "Do you hear that buzzing and jingling? It's getting louder." I placed my hands over my ears.

"Why no, I don't hear anything, Miss Skyla. Are you all right? You look pale—or paler. Oh dear, what can I do?" she asked, her voice rising in pitch and getting louder.

I pointed to the area where the light glowed brighter and the noise grew louder.

Miss Nettie looked in the direction I pointed. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew very large. "Oh, Miss Skyla, you must walk over here with me, quickly. Come child, I can't believe it. For years I have had this one...and nothing. Nothing has ever jingled from it."

Walking over to the hats, Miss Nettie's eyes were bright, and curiosity seemed to take over her. "These are the old nifty hats I loved from way back. Within time, we changed in style. This is a lady gambler's hat with a special pin connected to it." She pointed to the pin at the base of the hat, which was securing a purple ribbon that cascaded down the back. "It has a beautiful pin."

The head of the pin had an exquisite dream web made from emeralds, diamonds and pearls. At the bottom of the web, cascaded a large tear-drop shaped diamond. Miss Nettie carefully picked-up the hat and placed it on my head. At the moment it settled, I felt this surge running through me as though it was energizing me. I raised my hands, looking at my palms, and was shocked to find they were glowing. I looked up at Miss Nettie in confusion. She had tears springing up in her eyes.

"Very carefully, Skyla, take your right hand, reach back to the base of the hat, and carefully grasp the end of the pin, pulling it out slowly," she directed, acting it out in a precise manner.

I reached up to grasp the hat pin and pulled it out. Rainbows of colors came alive all around, shooting from the—"It's a wand like Grandma's," I whispered loudly, stunned as I gazed at it. The pin had turned into a wand as it came around. "Amazing!" I looked at it, and flicked it once, which undoubtedly was not a good idea because a sharp lightning bolt came from the end, zapping Miss Nettie's tea set.

"Quickly, place the wand back in the hat!" Miss Nettie shouted with shocked eyes, assisting me with the pin. "Well, I've never seen a wand choose a freshman to the field, and you're not even a member yet, much less attended school. I guess the old saying is true, you learn something new every day," sounded Miss Nettie.

I heard voices. Grandma Lil, Aunt Fanny, and Grandpa Red came scooting into the shop. "Are you all right, Skyla?" Grandpa Red asked with worry in his eyes.

"Yes, Grandpa," I muddled, looking confused.

Grandma spoke up sounding concerned as well. "Come, Skyla, the Council knows of the wand. They want us to go home and wait there. It will be the safest place."

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked as fear rose in me.

(No more teasing.  Alec Stone is coming up next!  :))

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