Chapter 29 - Halloween Day

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Chapter Twenty-nine

Halloween Day

The town of Magic Hollow was bustling on the morning of Halloween.

On this one day out of the year, everyone in town prepared for the holiday inside-and-out, not a spot was left untouched. Adults and children alike were hustling, eager to start the day. Apple bobbing, pumpkin bowling, broom racing, a potion contest, and many other activities were setup. When darkness drew closer trick-or-treating was set in motion.

It was my first Halloween here, and I could hardly wait. Sam and Pennie had been telling me about the festivities for days, not able to spit out the words fast enough.

The tournament at Checker's Nook was another popular annual event. It was a championship between the Red Eyed Eagles and the Black Hornbacks. As all other activities launched that morning, the tournament for the checker's championship started also. Wizards had to sign-up to play.

Checkers had been a favorite pastime in Magic Hollow with the elders for many years. Well, most were elders. Some were younger. Every Saturday, during the year, wizards met to play, hoping for a spot on one of the prominent teams and a chance to wear the tournament shirt.

Inside Checker's Nook, a wall was dedicated to commemorate individual wizards and the championship teams. In the past, there had been many to have their name engraved onto the Checker's Nook Wall of Fame, and there were many more desiring their name among them.

Grandpa Red's team, the Red Eyed Eagles, held the latest championship title. Grandpa loved to narrate the last few minutes of last year's game to anyone who'd listen. Their win was one of the biggest upsets in the Checker's Nook history of tournaments.

Last year's upsetting loss by the Black Hornbacks had caused such a big ruckus that many wizards from all around were attending this year's competition. The news traveled far and wide. They expected triple the crowd for this year's feast. The town had been working for months and knew it would take a monumental effort updating all the Halloween games, decorations, and creating fresh new ideas for a successful weekend.

I asked Sam and Pennie to meet me in Madison at the square's gazebo at ten. Aunt Fanny had asked me if I'd come by Fanny's Fun Flavors.

"Hey, over here," I called, waving.

Sam and Pennie skipped toward me.

"Thanks for meeting me here. Aunt Fanny has bags-n-bags of mortal candy she wants us to carry into Magic Hollow. Is that okay?"

Grandma and Aunt Fanny always set up a mortal's Halloween treat table for everyone to enjoy each year. She knew that not all little wizards had the chance to try different kinds of candies from the human world.

"Sure, I don't mind," Pennie said, "and I'm sure Sam doesn't mind either."

"I will on one condition," Sam declared.

I raised an eyebrow. "And what would that one condition be?"

"That I get the first bag of the mortal candy." He said, trying to give his serious look, looking more like a prune.

"I think I can arrange something."

"Oh, Sam, you crack me up," Pennie said, smiling and grabbing his arm.

We made our way to the candy shop. Aunt Fanny and Mrs. Velma were wrapping Halloween baskets when we walked into the store.

Aunt Fanny began giving instructions to one young mother at the counter. "Now, here is the basket for Tim. He loves gummies, so we put him in a variety. And this one, honey, is for Jim because he likes banana bites. You got that, sweetie?"

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