Chapter 19 - Snobby Girls

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Chapter Nineteen

Snobby Girls

As we were informed at the meeting with the Magical Council, until further notice, no one could use magic in Madison. Already, some of the witches were complaining about having to use mortal transportation. When we pulled up at Aunt Fanny's house, I saw several vehicles had already arrived, and I dare say were haphazardly parked. And I thought humans couldn't drive.

As one lady and her daughter were walking toward the house, the young girl looked our way. Her manner of dress was very ostentatious. I was glad I had chosen a fashionable dress for the evening.

When she spotted me, she immediately walked over my way and looped her arm through mine. "Hi, my name is Susie Harper. You're Skyla...I know. No need to introduce yourself. Everybody knows who you are. You are the Hally Witch. And being who you are, I'll have to introduce you to our upper group in Magic Hollow, especially when we start to school. That'll be one of the first items of business, to introduce you to the right crowd.

"I gave her a questionable look."

"Oh honey, listen, you'll have to watch who you hang out with here. You don't want to tarnish your status. Yours is high like mine, and we girls of high caliber need to stick together," she bragged obnoxiously.

The over friendliness of this person was irritating, not natural, but I smiled back, making small talk as we walked up the front door steps. After entering the house, we entered through another door obscured by Aunt Fanny's piano.

"What grade will you be in next year?" I asked, entering the massive room. Although I was in awe as we walked through the entranceway into the secret club's quarters, I remained calm, not wanting to open up another topic for this Susie Harper.

"Oh, I'll be a junior like you. Maybe we'll have some classes together," she said, gazing the room like she was choosing her next victim.

"Maybe we will." I gently unhooked our arms. "Oh my look, there's my Grandma Lil working away, setting out the food. Um, it was nice to meet you. But, I'd better go and help her prepare the refreshments," I said, sneaking a getaway.

"Okay, see you soon. Glad we could meet and get to know each other. I know we're going to be the best of friends," she said, sardonically. Susie then abruptly turned away in the direction of another group of girls.

Grandma welcomed my help and I gladly prepared the drinks. Soon the large hall swarmed with all ages of witches, laughing, talking, and enjoying each other's company. Tonight was definitely another new and unreal sight for me to add to my list of unbelievable findings.

I poured some lemonade into a cup when a teenage girl, seeming to be around my age, approached me. "Hi, my name is Pennie Starks." She looked around ringing her hands. She gave me a small smile and extended her hand.

I shook her hand. "Hey, I'm Skyla Hally. Nice to meet you, Pennie," I said politely. She seemed like a nice girl. She had brown hair falling a little below the shoulder and brown eyes with long eyelashes.

"This is your first time here, isn't it?" she asked.

Laughing a little, I replied, "You noticed, huh?"

"Yeah, you can always tell by the way someone is looking around checking out everything. Oh, not that it's a bad thing," she added, shaking her head. "I mean, we all do it, but any girl who has never been here just has that look," Pennie said, making a hand motion across her face. She then looked down at her watered down lemonade and stirred it with her finger.

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