Chapter 25 - Soul Mates

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Chapter Twenty-five

Soul Mates

Darkness enveloped me as I ran. I bounded over logs effortlessly and splashed through streams. I don't know how long I ran. My pace gradually slowed until I stopped. I stood silent and disoriented.

Looking all around, I discovered I was in an open area on a hill. I had traveled up the mountain a good distance. The moon and the stars were larger and brighter than usual. The earth and sky gave a mysterious yet beautiful bluish glow. I stood allowing the serenity of the mountain and night skies to calm me to the point I fell to my knees.

The shakes took over my body, causing me to fall on all fours, quivering. I felt weak. "Oh, what have I done? What have I done?" I cried uncontrollably over my behavior, my head bent down to the ground. I felt so alone, missing my parents, Nash and Mina, and Alec. "Alec, I need you," I whispered through flowing tears.

I lifted my head, sat up on my knees, and screamed like a wolf calling in the night. But my cry sang out like one of hopelessness. I placed my face in the palms of my hands, trying to find some balance to gain control of my emotions.

That's when I heard the padded steps on the earth's hard ground near where I knelt. I heard his breathing and smelled the distinct animal smell. Slowly, without making a sudden movement, I removed my hands from my face and lifted my head, looking straight into the face of...a very large gray wolf. I was immobile.

"It's okay, Skyla, he helped me find you. We heard your cry."

Alec stood close behind the wolf. The wolf looked up at Alec, and then turned and trotted a couple of yards away to another wolf, his mate.

Alec hurried to my side. He knelt and pulled me up, wrapping me in his arms. He cupped my face in his hands, and kissed me.

"You do care," I whispered through tears.

"What? Oh, Skyla, yes, I care. I just thought it best to stay distant because of the changes we faced and the challenges we have ahead."

We heard a yelp. The great gray wolf wanted our attention.

"Yes, great one," Alec said, "you have found your mate, and I have found my girl."

He looked back at me with those big beautiful eyes. Oh how his eyes could mesmerize me.

"The gray is saying my idea was foolish."

The female gray rubbed against the male, they jumped playing in delight. They stopped and stood proud, looking at us, and then they turned and pranced into the woods.

"Is it okay if I claim you as my girl?" he asked, smiling, lifting my chin with a finger.

He had me wrapped when I first laid my eyes on him. "Oh yeah," I said with bright eyes. "Well, you can, if you'll walk me home," I teased. "Because I have no idea where I am," I said, looking around the moon lit area.

"Before we go, I want to give you something," Alec said softly. He reached for the bracelet on his arm, unlatching one of the bands. "Lift up your arm." I did and he gently snapped the bracelet around my wrist. By placing the band on my wrist, Alec indicated he had found his soul mate. We said not a word. Our golden eyes said it all.

As we walked, I heard a familiar sound I had not heard in months. I heard the snow owl. He sounded like he was calling his mate to come home. I smiled and lend my head against Alec. I was happy.

(YAY!  Are you glad they finally got together!?  Remember at the beginning if the story when something was bumping in the van and in the cargo?  Do you remember what it was?) 

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