Chapter 9

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( Lee's P•O•V )

4 days later and Trevor still has not woken up. I haven't eaten and gotten very much sleep for the past 4 days. Conner try's to
Conner walks in the room and hands me a bag of Taco Bell.
"It's your favorite." He says.
I nod my head no and hand it back to him.
"I don't feel like eating."  I say.
"You never feel like eating." He says back to me.
"He's gonna wake up soon." He says changing the subject.
"He might not." I say
"Stop having a bad attitude."
"Um, it's kinda hard when your best friend and the person you love the most is about to die!" I yell standing up.
"You... love him?" Conner asks
I quickly look away from Conner.
"Yes." I mumble.
"Oh my fuck." Conner says speechless.
"Is there something wrong with that? Falling in love?!" I say turning back to him.
"No." Conner says.
A tear goes down my cheek.
"Can you please just leave?" I say tears streaming down my face.
"Yeah." Conner says walking out the door leaving the bag of food on the side table.

Once Conners gone I sit back down in the chair next to Trevor, and cry myself to sleep.

~ dream ~
I see myself standing in a green field. Just me no one else. I see a tall figure in the distance. Once he comes close enough I see... Trevor. He comes up to me and picks me up, us both happy to see each other.
"Were have you been?" I ask still smiling.
"Everywhere." He says
Then our lips connect and move in sync perfectly.
I never wanted it to end... but then I feel myself get shaken and it was all over.
~ end of dream ~

I wake up cold. I barely have the energy to look up, so I just keep looking down at my legs.
A hand is on my thigh shaking me.
"What do you want Conner?" I ask annoyed.
"It's not Conner." A familiar voice says blankly.
I look up to see who it is.

Standing in front of me is... Trevor?

I immediately stand up and hug him as tight as I can.
He hugs back weakly.
We do this for another 2 minutes, but he lets go.

"So, how was your date?" He asks sadly.
I bite my lip.
"I ditched him to come here." I say. Trevor looks up and smiles.
"It wasn't going to well anyway. He tried to kiss me." I finish.
"What kind of guy kisses a beautiful girl on a first date?" Trevor says looking into my eyes smiling.
I blush and smile.
"Why?" I ask
"Why what!"
"Why are you here? Why did you do that? Why... why did you do it... again?" I ask a tear running down my face.
"I... I had to." He says
"No Trevor, you didn't have to do anything." I say lifting his chin up.
We look in each other's eyes, until we get closer and closer.
"I know. But I have to do this..." Trevor says kissing me.
I kiss back as our lips move in sync. Butterflies fill my stomach as fireworks fill the air.

So this is what love feels like...

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