Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! I have finally written enough of this story to start posting it online! Before you start reading, I just wanted to say…please, please, please do not copy/steal/repost my work! A user has done that to two of my stories, and I really hate when people do this. Anyway, thank you to everyone who hasn’t done that, and to everyone that reads my stories. Also, the picture to the side is Leah. Enjoy!



Chapter One

                “One more ring on that bottle and you win a prize!” I exclaimed, cheering on the young girl at my station. Working at my town’s carnival for the summer, I’ve seen numerous customers try to win prizes for themselves or their loved ones. The young children who strived to get the grand prizes were the most fun to watch, with their determined expression. But the most heart-breaking part was when they didn’t win the big prize, which happened quite often.

                “Oh, so close!” I commented when the girl didn’t win.

“Can we play again, Mommy?” she asked.

“Sorry honey, I don’t have anymore money.”

“We’ll come back soon,” her father added. She slowly started walking away with her parents, looking like she was about to cry for not winning any prize. I sighed and quickly grabbed a smaller prize from the shelf of my station.

                “Not again, Leah,” one of my co-workers chuckled from a nearby station as I left to jog after the little girl.

                “Hey, wait!” The girl and her parents stopped as I caught up to them. “You may have not won, but it just so happens that I have an extra stuffed animal, so here you go,” I told her, handing her a small stuffed unicorn.

                “Thank you so much!” she shouted, jumping up and down excitedly. Her parents thanked me as well before leaving.

                “Tell me you didn’t give another toy away,” a familiar voice rang behind me. Knowing exactly who it was, I turned around smiling.

                “Of course I didn’t give it away! The cost of it will come out of my paycheck,” I replied before my boyfriend tackled me in a hug.

                “You’re too nice for your own good,” he said, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

                In a way, he was right. Ever since I was a young child, I was always known as the “nice girl” who rarely did anything bad. Now that wasn’t entirely accurate because I did participate in a good amount of “bad” things throughout my life, but it was a title people never let go of.

                Then again, my friends are all really good people, so how could I not be nice when I’m with them? My boyfriend, William Clarke, is the nicest jock you’ll ever meet. Maybe in some schools people assume most jocks are dumb, flirtatious guys, but Will is the farthest thing from that. We’ve been dating since the sixth grade, and we’re going to be entering our senior year in high school together after this summer. He’s one of the most important people in my life, along with a few others.

                Delaney Harris is my best friend. After she stood up for me against a mean girl in kindergarten, we immediately became best friends. Her bubbly personality makes it seem easy to be so outgoing and open with strangers, quite opposite of my more reserved personality.

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