Chapter 3- Falling For The Pitcher

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I wake up the next morning with a text from Jessie inviting me to come with her and a couple of her friends to a baseball game. Apparently the team is the 'Carner Trojans', and it is just a scrimmage. One thing that people may not know about me is that I am a baseball fan. While most girls would rather watch celebrity t.v, I am the one that has ESPN on. Which is another reason why I didn't fit in while in NYC. 

         I quickly get dressed and head downstairs to let my mom know what was going on. From the living room I can hear my dad blasting Josh Turner and other country artists from the radio. One thing that a lot of my friends didn't know back in NYC is that I LOVE country music. I may not be a 'country girl' at heart, but I sure do love country music. I smile and head over to the kitchen and find my mom sitting there reading the newspaper. "Well you look like your in a good mood." says my mom smiling. I then go on to tell her that I was invited to go to the baseball scrimmage today with Jessie and some of her other friends. "I am glad you are making friends" my mom replied, "Have fun!" I grab the car keys, head back up to my room, and pick my phone off my desk. Off to the right I see the receipt in which Scotty wrote his number on. I decide to enter it in my phone, and call  Jessie to see what the plans are.

           Jessie and I decided to meet at the game and we would sit together along with her two other friends. When I arrived at the fields, I found where Jessie parked and pulled in beside her. "Hey Ali." she said smiling,""This is Riley and her boyfriend Cody." "Nice to meet you." I reply. Riley was short and had black hair and brown eyes. Cody was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was kind of good looking but nothing near Scotty. The four of us talked for awhile and then we headed over towards the bleachers to find some seats. I could see the teams warming up running back and forth across the outfield, and throwing. I decided to look over at the bullpen in order to see who was pitching. All I know is that it was number 8 and he pitched fast. 

          I was about to ask Jessie who he was when I noticed she was talking to a lady. I waited until she was done and asked her who that was. "That was Scotty's sister Ashley." she said smiling. "Oh" I replied and asked, "What is she doing here?" Jessie laughed and told me that Scotty played for the 'Trojans' and he was pitching today! I couldn't believe she didn't tell me when I called her earlier that he was going to be here! I would've wore something nicer then! Before I could tell her that, Scotty came over to say hi to Cody (who appeared to be a good friend of his). After saying hi to Cody, he turned to me and said "Hey Ali, How's Garner treating ya?" I could've fainted he was actually talking to me.

          "Hey Scotty" I said with a huge grin on my face and answered his question, "Pretty good." Before he could say something else his coach yelled over at him "Scotty you have time to flirt later, come throw some more." Scotty's face got as red as a tomato. "Yes coach." he replied. He then turned to me and said, "Gotta fly, we'll talk some more after the game." He actually wanted to talk more? No guy has ever wanted to talk more to me. I think I might just die. I watched as he jogged to the outfield to throw with the catcher to keep his arm warmed. And I knew for sure I was in love.

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