Chapter 8- Explanations

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I don't know how long Scotty and I kissed for, but it was long enough for the people around us to shout "Get a room! We are trying to watch the game!!". We pulled away and man I got lost in Scotty's eyes. I mean they are just so blue. That's when reality hit me. What about his girlfriend? This is not right. I mean even though I am totally in love with him, I don't want him to hurt her. He was still staring at me with a HUGE smile across his face, when a foul ball came our way. I watched as Scotty caught it with his bare hands, and gave it to me. That's when I had to talk. "No, This isn't right!" I shouted over the crowd that was screaming because the Nationals hit a homerun. "Wait. What do you mean?" Scotty replied with a frown of confusion starting to form on his face. "You know what I mean. Your girlfriend." I yelled a bit to loud at him, and I could tell that he was surprised at how loud I really can yell. "I don't have a girlfriend." He replied confused. Wait. He doesn't have a girlfriend? He lied to me?! "Well in the car..." I was saying when Scotty suddenly caught me off. "I know what I said in the car. I didn't say I had a girlfriend, I said kinda. I was talking about you. I mean you were the first girl that I have ever taken to a baseball game, and I thought that it was kind of a date." He replied blushing. This is when I couldn't hold back. I kissed him again. He is just so sweet. I mean I went through all of this worry for nothing!

The Red Sox ended up beating the Nationals in extra innings, 12-9. Not that I would've cared if they didn't, because the rest of the game Scotty and I held hands. I totally LOVE this guy. I made sure to remind Scotty that he had to pick up the necklace for his sister, and he smiled and said "What would I do without you?" I just smiled at the sound of his voice. We walked over the the gift store and Scotty went inside to pick up the necklace. While he was paying for it I looked a bit more around the gift shop. Not that I was really looking. There was only one thing I could think about. Scotty. And this time we are finally together. I was just about to pull out my phone to text Jessie about what happened, when Scotty came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, and asked, "Ready to go? Or have you changed your mind about the foam fingers?" I looked up and couldn't help but smile. "I'm ready." I replied.

We walked to the parking garage holding hands and talking about the game. When we reached his car he opened the door for me and helped me into the car. Such a gentleman. My gentleman. "Thank you." I said smiling at him. "Your welcome." he replied getting into the drivers seat. The parking garage was packed with cars all trying to get out at once. So Scotty and I had to wait. Not that I cared. Scotty turned on the radio and the song 'Your Man' came on. Scotty sang a few verses and then I leaned over to kiss him. As we pulled away, my phone rang. I quickly checked to see who it was, and it was Jessie. I told Scotty that I was going to step outside and take this, and I did. "Hello." I said into the phone. "What happened between you two?!?!" She replied with enthusiasm into the phone. "I will tell you tomorrow." I said sounding mysterious. "Well there isn't a whole lot to explain, Scotty has already changed his Facebook to 'In a Relationship'." She replied laughing. "Really?!?" I said excited, "Well I will let you know what happened tomorrow. Gotta go bye." I quickly said hanging up.When I got back in the car, sure enough, Scotty was on Facebook on his Blackberry. I started laughing at how silly he looked trying to use Facebook on his phone. "What?" he said blushing, "I've never used it on here before." "I could tell." I replied laughing. The next 20 minutes I helped show him how to use the mobile Facebook, and then the garage was clear enough to leave. This has definitely been the best day of my life. I got to watch the Red Sox play an outstanding game, got the guy that I am TOTALLY in love with, and got a foul ball. Why does it have to end?

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