Chapter 7- The Game

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                     The whole way to Maryland, Scotty and I sang to the music. He told me that I had a good voice, which I doubt he meant it, but that's okay because I might not be able to sing but I sure can take really good photos. I mean I am a good photographer. In NYC I attended the photography club. This was where you got to learn about different types of cameras and how to take really good photos. That is one thing that I haven't told a lot of my friends, because I could be considered a 'nerd' for taking extra classes. This is also one thing that I don't want to mention to Scotty.

When we were about 10 miles away from the stadium, Scotty and I decided to grab a bite to eat. We pulled into the parking lot of a small restraunt. Scotty told me that this place had the best BBQ that he has ever tasted (besides his that he claims is amazing). He also told me that this is where his dad brings him to eat everytime they go to a Nationals baseball game. We walked into the restraunt and were seated. I ordered the BBQ pulled pork sandwich with a side of fries, and Scotty got the BBQ ribs. While we waited for our food, Scotty and I talked about music. I found out that Scotty's inspiration was Josh Turner, and he listened to Elvis growing up. You would've never known that he listened to Elvis. I mean he is not to popular in the Country.

      After we got our food, I found out the this WAS the best BBQ I have ever had. I made sure to let Scotty know that I was interested in trying his BBQ so I can see just how much better his really is. Throughout eating luch, I just couldn't stop looking in his eyes. I mean they are sooooo blue and gorgeous. And his lips are just perfect. If he was to kiss me now I wouldn't mind the BBQ taste. I mean I am totally in love with this country boy. I just wonder if he likes me. I don't want to ruin the friendship I have with him. But what if we could be more than friends? Well not best friends but Boyfriend and Girlfriend. That is what I want.

       After we ate we got in Scotty's car and headed to the ballpark. I checked my phone while riding and saw that I had a text from Jessie that read: "So have you and Scotty kissed yet? " I couldn't help but smile and replied: "Not yet. But I am totally in love with Scotty Cooke McCreery!

                Jessie sent me another text which said "Someone's in love. " just as I was about to reply Scotty asked. "Who are you texting?" "Just Jessie." I replied looking back at him and smiling. I quickly turned off my phone and Scotty continued the conversation, "So, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked keeping his eyes on the road. "Nope." I said looking at him, "What about you? I mean do you have a girlfriend?" It took him a minute to respond and then he replied, "Kind of." 'Oh No' I thought to myself 'This is not good, here I am (almost) at the game with him, and he has a girlfriend. I can't believe Jessie lied to me'. My whole day is officially ruined. Scotty pulled into the parking garage and grabbed the tickets. Hopefully this day goes by fast. "You ready?" He said with a smile on his face. "I guess so." I say dully. I think he must of heard the disappointment in my voice and seen it in my face for he kind of frowned in confusion.

                       When we reached the entry gate, Scotty handed the girl the tickets and I got my bag checked by security. After we entered the park I could smell and hear the hot a juicy hotdogs simmering on the grill. That I could live with. Right when I was thinking that this day was going to get better, I could see hundreds of couples holding hands and standing in lines getting food. And that brought back the thought that, that won't be Scotty and I. I mean he's got a girlfriend, and as much as I want him, he seems happy. "You want anything?" Scotty interrupted my thoughts. I looked up from the couples to see him smiling and looking at me. "No. I think I'm good." I replied. Man I love that smile. If only he was all mine. I followed Scotty into the little giftshop, and he started offering to buy things (I think to help brighten me up). First, he grabbed a foam finger, to which I shook my head no. Then, it was a wooden bat, again I replied no. Finally, I think he gave up. He told me that he was going to go to the necklace making stand in order to make a necklace for his sister Ashley. I walked outside and sat down on the bench, to wait for him.

                 While sitting on the bench I texted Jessie. I was ticked. The text read "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME??" I waited about a minute and she replied, "What?" I was about to send another text to express my anger when Scotty walked out of the shop. Ugh. He is SO hot. When he approached me he said that after the game we will have to go pick it up. I told him that, thats okay and then we found our seats. I was surprised to find out that they were GREAT seats. Right behind the third base dugout! Which had all of the Boston Red Sox players in there. Scotty, being the gentleman that he is, let me sit on the end so I wouldn't have to sit next to the other guys. We were so close to touching. Why couldn't these seats be any CLOSER?!?! We had about half an hour till game time and the Red Sox were signing autographs. Scotty ended up buying two baseballs and two sharpie markers while in the shop, and handed me one of the two. We then headed down to get autographs. I was surprised at how tall the players were! After 20 minutes of signing I had the whole team on the ball. THIS DAY IS GETTING BETTER! We got back to our seats and sat down ready for the game to begin.

       The innings flew by and before I knew it, it was the seventh inning stretch. Scotty and I stood up and sang it, and then decided to head down to get some food. I ended up getting a hotdog and a pepsi to drink, and Scotty got two hotdogs, and a sweet tea. We arrived back to our seats and sat down to continue watching the game. It was just switching innings as we got back, and the most loved event came on. The 'Kiss Cam'. Scotty and I watched and laughed at the people who were obviously not interested in each other kiss. Right when I thought the cam was over, it landed on Scotty and I. Oh No! I'm not his girlfriend, is what I was about to shout out. But then the greatest thing happened. Right when I was about to tell the camera to go to someone else, Scotty kissed me. Like kissed me on the lips! My heart melted as our lips stayed connected. I did not want this moment to end.

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