Part three - in which you almost got killed by a pile of books (twice)

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The next morning you jolted out of sleep thanks to someone who thought they had to make a call. You muttered, trying to ignore the noise but soon had to admit that whoever called wouldn't give up until they got what they wanted. Sleep still numbing your body you rolled out of bed, crawling out of the room.

At the same time the memories of the evening before came back to you, putting a smile on your face. It still felt somewhat strange to you because you'd never considered to look at Zack that way. After the date yesterday however you thought it was impossible not to.

Yeah, you knew he was a flirt, a big one too for that matter, but that was different, wasn't it? Zack and you were friends for almost a year, after all. He wouldn't gamble on something as that, would he?

You shook your head, remembering what he had told you right before you went out.

"Hello?", you managed to say.

"Good morning, [Name]! Did you sleep well?", in your head you cursed Zack for calling Cloud.

"Shut up, Tifa, I am still sleeping."

Her laughter reached to your ear, "you really aren't a morning person, are you?"

"You don't say, Sherlock. Anything else? Maybe you wanted to tell me the sky is blue, too?"

With the phone in your hand you crept into the kitchen, turning on the coffee machine.

Again you heard Tifa giggling, "actually no. It's just about what a little bird told me... is it true?"

Even though you tried to swallow it, a laugh escaped your lips, wondering if she had heard Zack's shouting through her boyfriend's phone.

"Which little bird? The now deaf one or the one that screeched so loud all my neighbors could hear?"

Tifa chuckled, "the deaf one. So, it is true?"

"Yes, can I get back to sleep now?", in the mind's eye you could see the brunette's eyes sparkling and her lips curled up in a grin. As she screamed, you backed off of the phone, laughing.

"Hey, do you want me to lose my hearing, too?"

"Sorry, it's just too cute!", in the background you heard a mumble. Tifa laughed, "shut up, Cloud! Sorry about that [Name], just ignore his attitude."

You chewed on your lip, giggling. Cloud wasn't a morning person either, regarding that he often had to stay up late for his job.

"Now tell me everything!"

"Are you serious? It was nice. OK?"

As Tifa didn't gave a sound you added with a sigh, "OK, like really nice. Happy now? You know I'm not good with that kind of stuff."

Still she didn't say anything, but at least now she snorted with laughter, which... wasn't comfortable either. If anything worse.

"Wait, wait... so you already were out?"

Damn it. You facepalmed, mad at yourself for forgetting that they couldn't have known about that.

"You could say it was in impulse."

"Let me guess, the puppy burned the food?"

Well technically, you pondered. "Yep."

You heard Cloud mumbling "smooth" with a chuckle.

"Hey, did you put me on speaker?"

"Oh, do you mind? I thought it was OK because Cloud knew..."

You shook your head, quickly realizing that they couldn't see it, "no, it's good. Have you told anybody else?"

{ Friends To Lovers } - Zack Fair x Reader (Modern! AU)Where stories live. Discover now