Chapter 6: It's Play time, Mate.

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A/N Here is a picture of Julian McCullough.
-Alex Pettyfer

"Don't look so down girl, the day isn't over yet." Catherine cajoled.

"Yeah. Besides you have another task to complete. Remember you have to go to Le Petit Café..." Cody left his sentence hanging.

In case the readers have forgotten, poor Alison had to go on another spying mission in the evening. And she had a feeling it might not go as well as planned. But what other choice did she have?

"This tims around we have to be a hundred times more prudent. These people are suspecting everyone! I heard that in the last period, half and hour after Laura's tweet was posted, the crazed mob ganged up on a freshmen because they suspected she was a stalker." Catherine shook her head as if saying 'incorrigible'.

"And you'll never guess their reason for doing it. They did it because she looked 'creepy'. The poor soul went home crying, terrified of everyone one around her. These people are pathetic." Alison clenched her fist.

"What the hell? They didn't have any proof!" Cody objected.

"They don't need any. They are a hopeless and aimless fandom." Alison rolled her eyes. "But you know what? I feel terrible. The longer it goes on, more and more unfortunate kids will have to be subjected to their bullying and it will all be because of me."

"That's why Al, let's get this over with as soon as we can. And maybe along the way we could get Laura to end the game?" Cody suggested.

"Talking to Laura is like trying to convince a wooden table that it is a's impossible. She is as stubborn as a mule." Alison pointed out.

"But we have to do something right? It's worth a shot." Catherine countered.

"For now, let's concentrate at the task at hand." Cody reminded.


Le Petit Café, was a nice café near the school. It was always bustling with activity as people rushed around going about their day and stopping for a cup of overpriced coffee. It also happened to be the favorite hang out location for high school preps and the cheerleading squad of Princeton High.

But today, the café had a couple of unlikely customers. A brown haired pair of twins and a Chesnut haired thin girl. And you might have guessed, it was The Samuel siblings and Alison.

Conveniently, just infront of their table, within their hearing range, sat the Big Three, who were also as improbable customers as the trip sitting behind them was.

"I wonder, why are they meeting here. This isn't a place the three usually go to." Catherine noted.

"Well well, aren't we a well informed about the populars." Cody replied with mock glee.

"Shh!" Hushed Alison. "She has a point. This isn't the type of place I'd imagine they ever hung out at. They must be meeting someone. You know as in a common point."

"You're right! Look there's a lady walking towards them!" Whispered Catherine.

A tall blacked haired woman in her early thirties sat down at the boys' table. She was dressed smartly in a tight below-the-knee pencil skirt with a small slit on the side and a modest necked white blouse with the first three buttons unhooked. She settled her lean figure into the plush emerald chair gracefully and manged to look intimidating at the same time.

Picking up their menus, the trio pretended to read it while they tried to evasdrop on the woman's conversation.

"And Mr.Song your parents have no information of this whatsoever?" The woman asked, all business like.

"No, I haven't mentioned it. Not in the slightest." Ruben answered uncomfortably.

"I see. Then how do you plan on paying me fore my services?" The woman cast the boys a condescending look.

"Form my own account." Ruben looked but hastily.

"And how will you explain such a huge transaction to your parents?"

"" Ruben mumbled.

"We'll handle that bit." Julian covered up.

"And what guarantee do you have that you will be able to?"

"Like Julian said, that's our concern, we'll deal with it. Please just concentrate at the task at hand." Cole had a desperate look in his eye that he masked with his false show of confidence.


"Excuse me I need to take this call." The lady excused herself.

"Are they talking about...prostitution?" Cody asked. The girls veered around to cast him a annoyed glance. But before they could correct him Cole's comment proved Cody's hypothese wrong.

"She is the best lawyer I could convince go help us. We can't afford to be rejected. Not at this point." A panicked look crossed Ruben's face.

"What now...what will happen to me?" He chocked.

"You make me sick sometime you know that Ruben? The Ruben I knew was smarter than this. If your so worried about the consequences of your action you shouldn't have gotten yourself into this mess!" Julian gave Ruben an an angry glare.

"Julian came down. Antagonizing and blaming him now won't do us any good. It can't change things. Besides he is apologetic for it."

"Sometimes apology isn't enough." Julian shot back. But he hardened look in his eyes melted Into a softer glance. "Ruben you should think about the consequences of you actions man."

"I know...I just can't help how things have turned out." All conversation died down as the lawyer returned.

"Alright gentlemen, I'll see what I can do." She gather her things and headed out the door.

Finally relaxing, the trio ordered for themselves and looked about the café. Alison noticed that almost half of the customers were form Princeton High. Funny. She thought. Suddenly she felt a pair of beading eyes on her. She looked up to see Martha Steven gawking at her. Martha was was a die hard Big Three fan, crushing over the boys since fought grade. Alison instantly knew that Martha was trying to catch the stalker. So Alison locked eyes with Martha and smiled. She smiled as sweetly as she possibly could and waved Martha over.

"What brings you here?" Alison asked a approaching Martha whose eyes took on a dreamy haze at the question.

"Oh my friends and I were trying to catch the stalker Mia mentioned in her tweet. Just imagine how wonderful It would be to be a part..." and the rest was all blah blah blah for Alison, but she still nodded as if she understood the other girls excitement.

"Well that cool. Working together to eliminate a threat. We might join you next time." Alison smiled once again.

"That would be fantastic. We must protect the big Three!" Martha replied stiffly.

"Of course me must." Alison nodded.

Before heading out Laiosn received a message.

How did things go today? I hope to read some interesting articles on the school's blog.

To Whig she replied.

Get in the habit of reading interesting articles. It's play time for Miss.Bunny Wigs.

In the end the day wasn't so bad after all. Despite almost being crowded the school's stalker and being exposed as Miss.Bunny Wigs, Alison had managed to get her hands on some spicey dialoge. Not only was It good enough to please the person but also good enough to amuse the whole school!

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