Chapter Two: Shortcomings

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Chapter Two: Shortcomings

Germany's POV

After lunch, I insisted that Italy and I continued training. Italy complained loudly, but I promised him that we wouldn't be running anymore today. That seemed to lift his spirits a bit. But when I started leading him towards the shooting range, he seemed to get more nervous. Before we could get there, he stopped abruptly, wringing his hands.

"C'mon Italy we're almost there," I said, motioning him forward. He shook his head.

"Germany I thought this was going to be better than running. L-Last time I practiced with weapons..." Italy trailed off. I remembered. Italy nearly blew himself up by throwing the pin of the grenade and kept the bomb in his mouth.

I motioned him forward again. "Don't worry Italy. I'll be there to keep you safe," I said, my expression softening. Italy nodded, but didn't seem so sure.

"Promise?" He asked softly.

I nodded. "I promise. Now lets go. We're burning day light," I said, taking him by the arm and leading him forward. Italy was reluctant to follow but he seemed to calm a bit. I brought us to the range I had set up outside in a field. There were many targets set up to look like people, the bulls eye's set up in the center of their heads or in their chests above where a heart would be. Italy and I stood behind a makeshift shelf that came up to our waists. It held us back, so that we could practice aiming from a distance.

I picked up one of the hand guns, a revolver and handed the other to Italy. His hands shook as he took it. "Okay, Italy all you have to do is keep your arms steady" I said, moving the gun into position, showing him how to hold it. "Then look through the sights and," I said taking a shot, hitting one of the targets right in the center of the heads. Italy whooped and grinned like a maniac.

"Wow! Go Germany!" He said brightly. I smiled softly.

"Now it's your turn," I said.

Italy's POV

Germany had his arms around me. I always liked the strength of his arms and the warmth of his muscles. Too bad he was only doing it to show me how to shoot. He moved my fingers into the right positions, holding my arms straight. I felt his chest tighten behind me and my breath caught in my throat. To be so strong, I thought. I wish he could hold me like this all the time.

"Italy," Germany said, calling me back to reality. I tried hard to focus. It was difficult with Germany's muscles surrounding me, but I tried my best.

"Yes Germany?" I said softly, not wanting to give my emotions away.

"Ready to shoot?"

"Yes, Germany." I took aim at the chest, trying to keep my arms steady. Germany straightened my arms and I could feel his face next to mine, looking through the guides at the top of the gun. His breath tickled my ear and I shuddered softly.

"That's it Italy, you're right on target, now just pull-" I didn't give him time to finish. I pulled the trigger and hit the target. It wasn't dead on, but it was pretty damn close. I whooped again, putting the gun down on the counter.

I turned around, throwing my arms around Germany. "I did it! Germany, praise me! Praise me!" I said. He hugged back tightly, chuckling softly.

"You did well Italy," he said. "But we have to keep practicing, okay?"

I whined. "But I want to keep hugging you!" He turned red at that and let go of me. I mentally chastised myself. Idiota, you are friends not lovers, I thought.

Germany cleared his throat and handed me my gun again, picking up his own. From that point on, we shot in silence.

Germany's POV

I swear, sometimes Italy makes it seem like he feels the same as I do. But really he just cares about me like a friend. I needed to remember that. Plus, if he ever found out about...that, he'd never want to speak to me again. Freak, I thought, that's all I am. And who would love a monster? I tuned the world out, focusing on unloading in the targets and then reloading. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I jumped, accidentally firing the gun. Italy, who had been the one touching me, yelped and ducked. The bullet just barely grazed his ear then buried itself in the ground, but there was a lot of blood.

I went pale and Italy was crying. My eyes were wide with fear. "Italy, are you alright?!" I yelled, panicking.

"It's hurts," he cried, clutching at the side of his head. I moved his hand away, then picked him up easily, bridal style, running towards the house. Look what you've done, a voice in my head said. That's all you'll ever be able to do. Hurt and scare the people you love. Monster, freak, lunatic... I shook my head, focusing on Italy. Tears stained his face and I could feel sobs rack through his body. We approached the house and I put him on the counter in the bathroom.

"Italy, look at me. I need you to breath with me Like this," I said taking deep breaths. Italy copied me as I found some gauze and antiseptic. I pulled out a clean cloth and poured the antiseptic over it. Italy had calmed down, but tears were still trickling down his cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumbs, speaking soothingly. "It's alright Italy, it's all going to be okay," I said, dabbing at the wound with the cloth gently. He winced, but didn't cry out. I cleaned the wound quickly then wrapped it in gauze. "I'll make some ravioli for dinner, how does that sound?" I asked. He nodded sleepily and I carried him into his room. I took off his boots and tucked Italy into his bed. "Get some rest. I'll wake you for dinner." Italy nodded again, drifting off to sleep quickly. I sighed and rubbed my face. I walked back to the bathroom to clean up when I looked up at my face. It was smeared with blood. I yelped, looking down at my hands which were covered in Italy's blood. I started to shake while I cleaned it all up. Then I went to my room. And locked it.

I need it, I thought, looking around the room. I walked to the bedside table and opened the small drawer. Then I pressed the release lever that opened the fake bottom. I felt myself relax a little at the sight of them. I picked one up and slipped off my pants. It glinted dully in the light. Then I shut my eyes, imagining all that had happened today. Italy falling because I pushed him too hard, nearly shooting his head off, his tears... You could have killed him, I thought and that's when I sunk the blade deep into my thigh. My arm moved almost automatically, hacking again and again. I could feel the blood starting to build up and I opened my eyes. The pain made my head clear again, made the emotional pain less. I took a deep breath and pulled out a bloodied cloth and wiped up the blood on my leg. The I wrapped it gauze.

If Italy asked, I would tell him what I always told him. They're just battle scars... I hurt myself training... It's nothing.



I went to go make him his pasta, after hiding all the evidence.

*Author's note*

Guten tag!

So now we hear about Germany's poison. Ooooh. Will they ever find out each other's dark secrets? Will they ever tell each other how they truly feel?

And the biggest question of all...

Where is everyone else?

No need to worry about that my dears. Something AWESOME is coming soon and WHO? else will be there?

Yeah those are hints.

Also there might be a certain TURTLE KING and his little TOMATO will also be joining us.

Hope you've liked it so far.

Ciao for now!



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