Chapter Six: Honesty...Sort Of

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Chapter Five: Honesty...sort of

Italy's POV

My eyes shot open and I tried to turn back around to face Germany but I fell off the bed instead.

"Italy?! Are you alright?!" Germany asked. He slid off the bed and helped me up.

As soon as I was on my feet, I looked him dead in the eyes and asked, "Did you mean it?"

He blushed. "Ja, of course I meant it! How many people do you see me saying I love you to?" He asked incredulously.

I shook my head. "Only me, but..." I trailed off, not knowing what I wanted to say. I could feel a blush starting to spread on my cheeks. I looked down.

"But what?" He asked, more softly this time. His hand went under my chin and he made me look him dead in the eyes. Germany's blue eyes had to be one of the most beautiful sights in the world.

"But I thought you only cared about me as a friend," I whispered. He chuckled softly.

"Italy, you may be the most beautiful person I have met, but sometimes you are blind to the truth," he said, gently caressing my face.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I could feel myself starting to get excited. A little too excited. My hands were starting to shake and so was my body. I started to pant, unable to catch my breath. My knees went weak and before I could hit the ground, Germany caught me. He put me on the bed, looking extremely concerned.

"Italy, what's wrong?" He looked back and forth between my eyes. I couldn't answer. I couldn't breathe! Tears were streaming down my face.

"I-I am f-f-f," I couldn't get the words out. I hadn't had a panic attack like this is years.

"No you are not fine! Tell me what to do. Tell me how to help you," he said in desperation. I tried to get up. I knew I needed my pills, but Germany forced me to sit back down. "You aren't going anywhere," he said sternly. Sobs racked my body along with tremors. When I didn't answer, he grew scared. "Prussia! Help!" Tears had grown in his eyes. "Help, please!"

And just like that, Prussia was standing in the doorway, followed by Canada. "Bruder? What's-" he stared to say, but stopped short when he saw me wheezing on the bed. He looked just as dumbfounded as Germany did. But Canada stepped through the doorway and immediately took charge of the situation.

"Germany," he said, "sit behind him. Keep Italy's back straight and rub his back too. Try to calm him down." Germany stood there, paralyzed by fear. "Germany!" Canada yelled and he snapped out of it. I felt his hands on my shoulder and lower back, making me sit up straight. Germany rubbed gently across my quivering back and whispered soothing words in my ear.

"It's a-alright. You're going to be okay. I've got you now, I-Italy," he whispered, still clearly freaked out. I could feel myself slowly calming down, though still gasping for breath.

"Prussia," Canada called. "Get some water, Italy's going to need it when he calms

down." Prussia nodded and slipped out of the room without a word. Then, Canada came up to me, squatted down to my level, and put his hands on my knees. "Italy, I want you to breathe with me. Like this," he said, and took deep breaths. I tried to follow him, but what came out was mostly a wheeze. He repeated the motion and I copied him easier this time. "That's it Italy, you're doing fine," Canada said encouragingly. We repeated the motion once more, and I managed to calm down finally. I was still a little shaky though. Germany put his arm around my shoulders and continued to rub my back. Canada stood and Prussia returned with the water. I drank it heartily.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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