Chapter Four: Surprise Guests and Lost in Translation

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Chapter Four: Surprise Guests and Lost in Translation

Germany's POV

Italy jumped, making me wake up. He was frozen in fear. I was about to tell him it was alright when I heard a door open and close. Italy stiffened besides me and looked at me with sheer terror. The Allies? I thought. I silently rose to my feet, motioning for Italy to stay there. I slipped a pistol out from my bedside table and held it at the ready as I crept to the bedroom door. I could hear whispers.

"We came too late, they're asleep," one man said. His voice was soft, as if it was always a whisper, but also it sounded a bit like America. I couldn't place it. The next man spoke.

"No problem. We'll just have to wake them up," he said. My eyes widened. There was only one person in the world that had an accent like that. I dropped the pistol and Italy stared at me curiously. Then I ran out the door, charging for the two men in our home.

The one with the softer voice screamed but the other turned to me and yelled, "VEST!" as I tackled him. I let my accent grow heavier.

"Vhat zhe hell bruder! Scared me and Italy halv to death!" I yelled, but Prussia was laughing.

"Good to zee you too," he said, patting my back. I dropped the accent, getting up and offering him a hand. He took it and stood beside me. The other man in the house looked so much like America that I almost yelled, but Prussia stopped me.

"Vest, this is Canada. Canada, Germany," he said, introducing. I held out a hand, looking curiously at the man.

"Have we met before?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes," he sighed, shaking my hand. "Usually people forget about me because I look so much like my brother America. And he's so much louder than me that people just ignore me most of the time." Canada was quiet. I tried to focus on what he was saying but I was having a hard enough time remembering his name.

Italy came up behind me. "Germany?" He asked softly. I could tell he was still scared. I dropped Canada's hand and turned to face him.

"Italy it's alright. It's only Prussia and u-uhm..." I trailed off. Italy finished my sentence.

"Canada," he said. Canada seemed delighted that Italy had remembered his name. Prussia on the other hand was growing excited.

"Italy!" Prussia said and hugged him tightly. "It's been too long." He let go of Italy, who looked a bit suffocated, but smiled. Prussia whispered to me, "You need to make a move bruder, and fast. Italy's so cute, someone might scoop him up before you have the chance." I blushed and was about to protest when Canada gave Prussia a look and he paled. "I mean, of course Italy is cute, but not as cute as you, you know I think you are the most beautiful country I have ever seen!" Canada raised an eye brow. "And ich liebe dich!" Prussia insisted. Italy

perked up at this and so did Canada.

"Ich liebe dich? What does that mean?" Italy asked. His eyes seemed to be glowing. I felt my blush go darker. Could he be remembering? I asked myself, but shook my head. No way. Italy was dead asleep when I said that.

Prussia puffed out his chest and stared at Canada. "It's German for I love you," he said proudly. Italy blushed and so did Canada. Prussia wrapped an arm around his shoulders and Italy was staring at me. I avoided his gaze. We all sat in uncomfortable silence for a minute.

I cleared my throat. "So, bruder, what brings you and um..." I started to say.

Italy finished my sentence. "Canada."

"What brings you and Canada here at..." I glanced at a clock. "Two in the morning?"

Prussia opened his mouth to speak, but it was Canada who answered. "Prussia and I just came from France's house. We figured we're in the neighborhood so we came to visit you. But we made quite a few stops on the way and we lost track of time," he said, yawning mid-sentence. "My deepest apologies for that. But now," he looked at Prussia. "Gil, I'm exhausted. Mind if I..." He looked between the two of us and I realized with a start that he had used Prussia's name; not only his name but his nickname at that.

Prussia cleared his throat. Everyone was staring at me. I came out of my daze. "The guest room is down the hall, third door on your right," I said. "If you'll follow me, I'll-"

Prussia cut me off. "I can show him the way, no trouble," he said and guided Canada down the hall. He turned back to me and said, "We'll talk more in the morning, but Mattie and I need our sleep. Especially Mattie. Gute nacht." And with that, he was gone.

Italy was still staring at me as if in a daze. I glanced up at him. "Um, Italy?"

"Hmm?" His amber eyes seemed to glow with a million thoughts at once.

"Don't you think we should be getting to bed?"

Italy's brow furrowed. "Why? We just woke up?"

"But it's two in the morning," I said, growing more concerned. "You alright?"

He shook his head as if to clear the thoughts. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He started down the hall. I followed behind him. Italy walked into my room and laid down on the bed, turning away from my side of the bed. "Good night," he muttered. His eyes were still wide and thoughtful. I stared at him for a minute then slipped into the bed next to him. Italy made no attempted to hug me.

"Good night, Italy," I whispered. He grunted. After watching to make sure he was okay, I told myself that he was asleep and closed my eyes...

Italy's POV

I heard Germany's breathing even out. I turned to lie on my back and watched him sleep. Germany's blonde hair that was usually slicked back, fell into his face. I reached over, then hesitated but decided to continue. I gently brushed his hair back and rested my hand on his head. I caressed gently with my thumb, as thoughts ran through my head. He said I love you. Germany loves you. You were supposed to say it first and now he's beaten you to the punch. I shook my head gently, and then continued. Now when am I supposed to say it? Randomly? Should I do it like Germany did? I didn't understand why I was so nervous about

this. Its just Germany, I told myself. I was still caressing his head. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy so I pulled my hand away and as an after thought, kissed his forehead softly. I whispered, "Ti amo, Germany," then turned to my side, facing away from him. I could feel myself starting to drift off to sleep...

"Ich liebe dich auch," he whispered back.

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