Part 4

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Princess Carolyn: Come on! Pick up the phone!

Mr. Peanutbutter: Hello. PB speaking.

Princess Carolyn: Thank god. Did you get my invitation to the thing in Vegas?

Mr. Peanutbutter: In matter of fact, yes. And i am already there. Did i miss the trailer?

Princess Carolyn: Forget about the trailer. I think something is wrong with BoJack.

Mr. Peanutbutter: What is it? Is he sick?

Princess Carolyn: Sick in the head perhaps. I explain when you get here. Meet me in The Bellagio lobby a.s.a.p!

Mr. Peanutbutter: You got it!

[While BoJack and Todd mingle with people at the convention, Carolyn makes her way to the lobby to meet up with PB. She gets quite the surprise when she see him]

Princess Carolyn: Oh god! Not you too?

[Mr. Peanutbutter have also taken the idea of dressing up as his Tv character from "Mr. Peanutbutters House"]

PB: Hello there! Isn't this the perfect outfit or what? When i heard that there was a comic con i couldn't let this moment pass. It's been all too long since i wore this.

Princess Carolyn: Yes, very perfect. I need you to do something because he totally ignores me! Speak with BoJack at the convention. I show you where he is, he can't certainly be missed because he have a crowd of nerds around him.

PB: Okaaay. You still haven't told me what this is about.

Princess Carolyn: Well. Somehow he got into his "Horsin Around" character and somehow he can't or don't want to leave it. Every thing he says makes little sense. It's like he is a different person. I blame his cousins suicide. He can't have fully recovered in just 1 month and now he totally lost it.

PB: Well, it sounds worrying, but is it? If he's happy about just let him have this for now. But if it's really a big deal for you. I guess i can talk to him a little.

Princess Carolyn: Good! Follow me!

[PB follows Carolyn through the crowd where BoJack, Cordovian Todd and "Little Sabrina" is standing next to the catering table and talking. They walk up to them]

BoJack: Mr. Peanutbutter? Isn't it my best friend in the whole world?

PB: I am? [He raise his ears and gets a smile on his face]I am your best friend?

BoJack: What is this?

PB: [Waits in suspense]

BoJack: Is this a crossover episode or what?

[PB's face gets a wide smile and he replies]

PB: Oh my god!!![starts jumping up and down] You did my thing, the joke!! Yes, it is a crossover episode BoJack. It really is! Let me cherish this moment forever. [He grabs his cellphone and takes a selfie with BoJack.]

Princess Carolyn: Oh fish!! Now there's two of them. [facepalm]

BoJack: So where is Zoe and Zelda?

PB: [Goes into character] Well, there are sleeping over at a friends house so i am alone today. I see you get Sabrina with you!

Sarah Lynn: Fuck yeah, man!

BoJack: Watch you language Sabrina. Daddy has a special guest visiting.

PB: I sure am!

BoJack: Yes you are. I have really missed you. Couldn't have thought about a better companion on my vacation.

PB: Are you serious? I would love to hang with you. Let's party like it's 1994!!

BoJack: Whooooo!!!!

Sarah Lynn: Yeah, that's what i'm talking about. Fuck yeah.

Cordovian Todd: Party with BoJick Horse horse and Dog Dog Peanut Man? I see why not. [Shouts in Cordovian] Party start it! Drink all of the drinks!!

[ Princess Carolyn stands speachless as the 4 of them sings and laughs while walking away into the crowd. She just stands there staring into the air, uncertain how to handle the situation]

Princess Carolyn: We are all fucked! This is madness!

Random person: What are you supposed to be?

Princess Carolyn: I am not supposed to be anything. I am a god damn agent!!

Random Person: Woah, nice performance! Bye!

Princess Carolyn: ??? Am i the only sane person here or what[ Picks up cell phone] Maybee i should try someone else.[Dials number]

Diane: Hello. Who is this?

Princess Carolyn: Hello dear. This is Princess Carolyn, the agent. The pink cat?

Diane: Yes i know, we have meet ceveral.....

Princess Carolyn: What are you up to?

Diane: I am working.

Princess Carolyn: You don't have a job, what could you possibly do that is work?

Diane: You got me this job, writing celebrity tweets for Sextina Aquafina.

Princess Carolyn: Oh yeah, that thing. Where are you now?

Diane: In some underground techno club in Hollywoo. Currently in the toilet because this is the only place without repetitive music bangning on and on.

Princess Carolyn: Damn it! I was hoping you be in Vegas with Peanutbutter.

Diane: Well, i let him have his fun alone this time, i am pretty busy all week anyway so i don't want to hold him back. Why are you hoping i would be there may i ask?

Princess Carolyn: Cause then you would be the only sane person here, i am stuck with a schizophrenia victim, an on-and-off drug adict, a Cordovian prince and now Peanutbutter is somehow starstruck by BoJack because this is the first time in his life probably BoJack recognize PB as a good friend so he followed him as crazed fan, and now i'm all alone.

Diane: That makes no sense at all. At all!

Princess Carolyn: You wrote that stupid book for BoJack. Did he ever loose grip of reality, thinking he were somewhere else or something like that?

Diane: Not that i recall. And second: i don't believe my book is stupid. But he spoke alot of his time on Horsin' Around with passion. And he didn't have a good childhood. Other than that, no. I can't help you with that.

Princess Carolyn: Those are things i already know about him. BoJack is losing it. He actually believes he is his character from Horsin' Around. How messed up is that?

Diane: Well, it did have a great impact on his life and career. I should really get going. Can't hide on the toilet forever. I hope it works out. Keep an eye out for PB for me can you?

Princess Carolyn: Sure, no problem. See you!

[She puts down her phone and rubs her eyes and then she realize she lost track of the others in the crowd]

Princess Carolyn:!

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