Part 5

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[Without Carolyn finding the 4 idiots, they spiral out of control. Inviting lots of people and even celebrities to their "Epic Super Party". Countless bottles of liquor and don't know what and how many kinds of illegal pills and other drugs later the party starts at room 404-405. This would be a night to remember for those who is able to remember, that is why i skip the party and move on to the following morning for no reason whatsoever]

[BoJacks vision was blurry, his head banging like a jackhammer and all he heard was ringing sounds and muffled voices.]

BoJack: Aaargh....what the hell. Why is the walls melting, why is everything upside down???

[He was laying in his bed with his head hanging down almost on the floor. He hear voices from the other room]

Unrecognizable voice 1: .....i was like: Hell yeah! We just went from room to room and bar to bar. Drank everything. Best night in my life.

Unrecognizable voice 2: I can't believe you talked me into this but i don't regret it one bit. I mean come on! It's BoJack freaking Horseman. Life is to short NOT to party with him at least once!!! Crazy!

Unrecognizable voice 1: Hehehe, i know right? I mean. If somebody told me yesterday i was going to end up at a party with BoJack and MR. Peanutbutter i would have told them to go screw themselves. But look what happen?

Unrecognizable voice 2: Exactly Robert, exactly! Do you think he's okay?

Unrecognizable voice 1: Yeah. He'll be fine. That horse can drink, i tell you that.

[BoJack manage to open his eyes full and slowly turn his head around to inspect his surroundings]

BoJack: Holy crap. The fucking room is destroyed. I mean everything.Every single little thingy has been damaged somehow. Even the bed legs are cut of somehow. frickin' head!!

[He slowly gets up and his head starts to spin, he loses his balance and use his hands on the walls to navigate himself out of the room into the kitchen area. He walks over to the fridge and chugs a flask of water when he hear the voices again.

Voice 1: Hey there pal, how are you doing?

Voice 2: Wasn't sure if you ever would wake up. You are one stubborn horse, i give you that!

[ He close the refrigerator door and see the two men talking to him]

BoJack: What the hell is Captain America and Iron Man doing in my room? What happened last night?

Chris Evans: I am not surprised you having trouble remember, it's a totally common symptom after drinking that much.

Robert Downey Lemur: But hey. That was fun BoJack. This was a pleasant surprise, never would have guessed the outcome of that night! Come BJ, have a seat!

[BoJack joins them at the table]

RDL: We ordered breakfast, there is juice, fruit, bacon and eggs, and some cereal i think. Dig in. You'll need it.

Chris: Your eyes doesn't look to good BoJack.

BoJack: Damn it, everything you guys say hurts in my head. Feels like somebody put my head through a damn blender. And let me get this straight, you two? Robert Downey Lemur and Chris Evans?

Chris: Yes.

RDL: That is correct!

Bojack: And why are you in my room...[looks around]...used to be a room?

RDL: You really don't remember, don't you? Well. Like we told you the night before. We were promoting the new Avengers movie on comic con. Dressed out in our outfits and all.

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