Chapter 03

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" Goodmorning Sis " I heard Julian whispering and I felt his cold breath against my ear.

One of those few times his breath isn't warm. Something must be not alright then.

" Clara? " he whispered. I opened my eyes slowly and his face appeared in front of me. He didn't look healthy.

" Julian? " I whispered back. Turning around from my left side to my back. I stretched my arms and Julian came to sit next to me on my bed.

" Did you sleep well? " he asked, still not talking loudly.

" Yeah, did you? " I tried to sit up, wich took too much effort, so I fell back on my bed.

" No " he said, looking sad.

" What's wrong? " I pushed myself to sit up, next to Julian.

" I do not feel so good "

" Aw, Julian, don't worry, I'll take care of you, what do you feel? Does it hurt somewhere? Do you - " Julian interrupted me. And his giggling made me smile.

" Stay calm, I can take care of myself " he laughed a bit. He looked so pale. I was worried. Who knows what he might have.

" It's probably just a cold " he said, smiling.

" Are you sure? " I asked, I'm too worried, I just can't imagine how my life would be without him.

" Yes, it's okay, I just wanted to let you know, and I kinda had to tell you that I missed you when I was gone " his voice started to get louder and warmer again. That's how I knew he meant what he just said.

" You're pretty late with saying that, but I missed you more " I said before we gave each other a tight hug.

" Don't come too close, I don't want you to get sick too " he whispered.

" I won't, I'm immune for that " I laughed, letting him go.

" I bet you are " he got up and pulled me out of my bed.

" I'll get ready and go get some breakfast " I said.

" I knew you were going to say that " he smiled again, leaving my room.

I got into my bathroom, put on a pair of sweatpants, a T-shirt and some Nikes. I also brushed my hair. Then I left my room and went downstairs. I saw Julian sleeping in the sofa. And I smiled because he looked so adorable, even though he's my brother.
I took my leather jacket and my keys. Once outside I took a deep breath. The fresh air made me feel alive. I smiled and closed my eyes for a little while. Thinking about which great life I actually have.

I started walking. I passed by some people who I've never seen before. At the other side of the street some guys were doing trics with their bikes and skateboards. It looked pretty cool. The girls who were with them looked hot tho.

I sighed and started walking a bit faster, holding my attention on the guys till I bumped into someone.

Guess who.

Martin obviously.

" I am sorry! " I almost shouted. Getting a bit nervous. My heart started beating faster and I began to get warm again.

I started to hate that feeling.

" It's okay " he said, wiping of his black jeans.

" Are you hurt? " I asked, worrying and feeling guilty because I made Martin fall on the ground.

" No, don't worry " he tried to calm me down. The way he looked at me this time made me fall even more for him.

Why does he do that?!

" How are your tracks going? " I asked, hoping I won't annoy him with me, being boring.

" Good, I'm busy with a track of myself "

" Cool, what's it called? "

" What do you have with track names? " he laughed in a positive way.

" I don't know " I smiled.

" I just made the intro and it's probably not the official one yet, so.. "

" Oh okay, let me know "

" I will "

" When will you release the one with Sleazy Stereo? " I was curious, if he would use my name of course, or not, whatever "

" ITSA? Really soon " he started smiling by seeing my reaction. It felt good to hear him say the name I suggested him. I smiled like I never did before. It felt weird, but really good.

" I'm excited " I smiled and probably blushed.

" So am I " he smiled back, trying to catch my eyes.

" Umm.. ", I giggled a bit, " I need to get some breakfast for Julian, so ... " I tried to let him know I actually had to go on but I actually wanted to stay with him and talk about everything what would pop up into our heads.

" Oh, uh... I wanted to go to my family, but if you want I can go with you? " he is so awesome. He made me feel so happy again. Will he ever stop making me happy? I'd love to say yes of course, but I know how important family is...

" Well, it's okay, you should go to your family " I confirmed. I saw his expression on his face changing into a dissapointed one. Don't tell me he is dissapointed because I said that?

" Okay, I'll see you next time " he gave me another smile. A little one this time.

" See you soon " I said, turning around to go on.

" Bye! " he shouted from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw he was still at the same place, watching me walking away. I smiled and I went around the corner.

I regretted my choice, but I got that feeling my choice was correct.

After I went to the bakery shop I tried to get back home as fast as I could, because every step I went further from home, the more worried I got. Who knows what's wrong with Julian right now.

But on my way home I saw a guy standing in the middle of the street. He looked confused, like he didn't know where he was. He didn't look fresh either.

" Hey? Are you alright? " I tried. The guy turned his head to me and stared at me like I was an alien.

He didn't say anything.

" Hello? " I tried again.

" Hi " he said, still checking me out.

" Would you come to the sidewalk instead of standing there, wanting to get rid over? " I suggested. He should come here or else he will be as flat as a pancake.

" Yeah " he started moving slowly in my direction. Is he going to wink his eyes once or what?!

" Are you okay? " he was now standing in front of me. He was tall, looked handsome, but the dirt covered his sparkling beauty. He has blonde hair en blue eyes.

" Yeah " he said once again.

" You don't seem like you're okay " I smiled.

" Don't worry " he tried to smile too.

" What were you doing there? "

" I don't know "

" I hope you didn't want to do anything stupid... "

" No "

" Umm... You should go home "

" You shouldn't be telling me what I have to do " he snapped. I was taken abback and I didn't know what to say anymore. Maybe I sounded like really annoying and that's just what I wanted to avoid.

" I'm so sorry... " I tried to apologize, but he didn't seem to accept it.

He sighed deeply.

" I should leave... " I said, trying to pass him, but he grabbed my arm so I couldn't move any further.

" What are - " he interrupted me: " can I take a shower at yours? "

Martin GarrixWhere stories live. Discover now