Chapter 1

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Emma Pov:

I stood outside the house. Her house. It seemed ominous tonight. Threatening the what if. What if she didn't accept me? No, I can't think about that now. I could feel the butterfly's in my stomach increase with each step. It felt like my heart was going to burst but I forced myself to knock on that big black door. After a few moments I could hear shuffling and the door being unlocked. She swung open the door and what I saw shocked me a bit. The Regina Mills in jeans and a button down shirt.

"Are you going to stand there gawking at me Miss Swan or are you going to come in?" She asks arching a brow and cracking her wonderful smile.

"Oh uhm. Yeah. I mean yes thank you". I stutter stepping into the warmly lit house.

I took a deep breathe and sighed smelling her scent. Lemongrass and rain. My favorite scents, she smelled like home. She led me to the living room and poured me a glass of her famous Apple cider. I took a hesitant seat on her sofa and sipped the warm delicious apple cider which warmed my entire being.

"So Emma, what good deed did I do to deserve the company of you this evening?" She chuckles taking a seat across from me.

"I uhm...well. I don't know Regina". I murmured. "I don't know how to tell you this".

"Is Henry okay? What happened?" She demands while walking over to my side.

"Henry is fine. I just...have to tell you something but I don't know how". I whispered turning to look at her.

"That hasn't stopped you before Swan. Now what is it you need that involves interrupting my evening?" Regina asks smirking, a glint in her eye.

"Right...I don't think I should be here. I was wrong-"

"No. Please...stay Emma. I'm sorry i don't mean to be cruel. It was a joke...I'm just not that good at socializing with you." She pleads smiling apologetically, clutching my hand in hers.

"Okay here's a tip, when a friend comes to tell you something important don't crack jokes because we need to work on your humor before that happens". I chuckle sitting back down beside her on the sofa.

"You thought we're...friends?" She whispers her eyes shimmering widely.

"Yeah funny thought right?" I chuckle bumping her shoulder with mine.

"Thank you Emma. I haven't had a friend in a long I'm sorry. I guess it'll take some getting used to". Regina says looking me in the eye. "Now what did you want to tell me Swan?"

"I was just too scared to approach you before but I love you". I murmur trembling a bit with worry but looking up into her eyes steadied me and made me stronger.

Her face lit up and she smiled the widest smile I had ever seen from her. She leaned into me for a moment hesitating before crushing her lips to mine.

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