Chapter 4

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/////////////flash back//////////////

It was my birthday and a stained red dress was all I had to see for it. No presents, no friends, and certainly no family. I let out a soft sight and kicked off my heels off, placing the small container on the kitchen table. I grabbed a lighter and a candle and opened the container. Inside the container sat a small pink and white cupcake. It was perfect and I'm sure will taste delicious but all I could think about was that I was alone on my birthday, again. I lit the candle and sat back watching as the wax dripped on the cupcake. I almost wish...I wish i could have a loving family surrounding me. No. I just don't want to be alone anymore.

"I wish...I wish I wasn't alone on my birthday" I murmured before quickly blowing out the candle.

A knock sounded at the door startling me, causing me to knock my hip against the counter. A hiss of pain escaped my lips as I headed to the door cringing at the bruise it would surely leave. Is this a coincidence? A knock right after that's impossible. I unpacked and opened the door and started at the sight before me. A tiny little boy stared up at me smiling cheekily.

"Hey kid...uh, Do you have the right address?" I ask kindly, leaning on the door frame.

"I'm Henry, your son".


"Henry-" I gasped reaching out to grasp his hand.

"Mom?" He whispers holding onto my hand in a death grip. "Do you remember?"

"Hey kid...are we in that town you were talking about? Storybrooke?" I ask smiling gently at the lovely boy.

"Yeah mom, this is my other mom Regina. And that's your mom and dad, Snow and Charming". He giggles excitedly.

"Does he think your part of his book too? He says I'm the...savior" I chuckle nervously looking between the falling faces crowding the room.

"She doesn't remember...But why does she remember me?" Henry asks sadness apparent in his tone as he looked up at Regina.

"It'll take time...I don't know Henry I just don't". She murmurs, tight lipped and struggling to hold back the sadness that was apparent in her tone.

"Henry, step away from her. This is her fault. I'm afraid your mother is going to have a break from seeing you, Until we know what really happened. You'll have no contact with him". Snow demanded grabbing Henry's arm and yanking him away from me.

"snow you will not take my son away from me! Not after all I've done to regain your trust! I didn't do this? Why would I do this? He is my son. And I do not have to explain things to you". Regina growls taking a threatening step towards the weak woman and holding her hand out like she was about to grab something from snow.

"This is exactly what I mean. Can't you see Henry? She's evil. She will always be a villain. She isn't capable of love or of a happy ending. I thought so once before but she isn't. Her actions have proven that she will never change!" Snow snaps glaring at Regina.

" all we ridiculous. Your taking Henry's book too literally. Regina isn't a villain. She can't be". I groan rubbing my temples trying to stop the pounding in my head.

I open my eyes but frown from the pain, but I feel cool cold hands hold the sides of my face and a relieving cold feeling washes through my head ceasing the pain. I look up at Regina once again standing over me but her brow is furrowed and her eyes shut concentrating.

"I'm sorry. I can't help you." She sighs softly ignoring Snows yelling.

Why is this woman so alluring to me? To me of all people. I haven't been in a relationship since I had Henry. But she was gorgeous and cool and calm and collected but underneath all that was a soul wanting to be seen and to be heard.
This woman, my sons other mother.

"I guess I'll never get my happy ending. Goodbye Emma". She whispers, tears streaming down her face.

I watch as she walked away and out of the room her shoulders shaking. Everyone wanted her to leave but all I wanted was for the mysterious Regina to come back.

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