Chapter 5

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Reginas Pov:

I could feel it under my skin. Rumbling and begging to be released. I couldnt. Emma wouldn't. I can't. But I have to. I could feel it guiding me to his store. I would kill him and anyone who stood in my way. I yanked open the door feeling it bang against the wall crashing into something. His beautiful bride started and dropped the pile of books she was holding.

"Where. Is. He." I growled feeling the magic swirl around inside me begging and egging me on.

"Oh! Regina! W-what?" She stutters taking me in and stumbling backward with fear.

I could feel her fear from over here and it just fed my anger even more.

"WHERE IS HE?! I could feel the foreign magic on her! It wasn't me! So I will ask again...WHERE. IS. HE?!" I scream rage clouding my vision as I reached for her throat lifting her up and flinging her against the wall.

"Regina! I swear. I don't know! I haven't seen him since I made him leave! I swear! Regina..." She gasps clawing at her neck desperate for air.

I could see the life slowly draining from her eyes and the fear of the realization that she could die. Oh my god. I quickly released her staggering back. Oh god. Oh god. I could have killed her. She could have died by my hand. A woman who has been nothing but kind to me. I could feel the energy crumble and instead of crashing on her crushed me, forcing me down on my knees gasping for air. I could feel the tears starting to fall. Disgusting sobs filled the air and I couldn't stop. My Emma. My sweet Emma. Please. Come back to me.

"Regina? Regina what's wrong? Why are you looking for Rumple? Regina?" She worry and empathy apparent on her face.

"Emma...he got to Emma. My Emma. Oh Emma. She doesn't remember!" I scream into my shirt clawing at my arms, hugging myself...losing myself.

"Shhhh's going to be okay. I'll help you fix this. I promise. After all, you deserve your happy ending. You and Emma both". She whispers surrounding me in a hug, holding on tightly with love and compassion for the woman who almost murdered her.

Emma Pov:

The apartment was tiny and quaint with birds embroidered on every surface. It was bright and white much like the cold hospital. I shuddered at the thought, though I was wrapped up in blankets on the couch. My mind was racing though my body was exhausted. Why can't I remember these people? This town? What happened last night...or or this morning. What happened? Why can't I remember? I can remember Henry. But only bits and pieces, of hot chocolate with cinnamon and his castle and that book. That book...that's caused so many issues. Where was it? Maybe if I could read it I could remember. But thats ridiculous it's just a story book. But they weren't lying. They were speaking the truth about the tales. My "superpower" has never been wrong before. A small hand rested on my shoulder, I turned and looked up to see Snows dainty concerned face peering down at me.

"Emma? Are you alright? I know it's a lot to take in right now and you've had a long day but I want you to know I'm here to talk...about anything". She says soothingly, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Who are you? Why do I live here? Why can I remember Henry but not you? And only bits and pieces of Henry. I'm missing years here. 4 years I've been here and I can only remember pieces. Why is that? What really happened?" I demand furrowing my brow.

"It's hard to explain who we are...especially since you can't remember most things. We explained everything when you first arrived and it took you a while to believe us and help us. I don't know why you can remember Henry but you two are connected and he's the most important person in your life so it's hard to imagine you wouldn't remember him. We don't know exactly what happened. Only you can know that Emma. All we know is that Regina was the last to see you before this happened". She said the last part bitter and full of hatred.

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