Chapter 3

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Emma Pov:

The bright white light blinded me slightly, causing me to gasp. My body felt foreign to me. My heart wouldn't stop its hard fast thumping. I could feel someone's hand in mine. Soft warm hands clutched around my own cold one. It felt strong and safe. I opened my eyes and looked over towards the person. What I saw was a beautiful woman but she appeared sad. Her dark chocolate brown eyes red and puffy from crying. Her makeup was smudged from crying and her red lips formed in a pouty frown. She was perfect. She took my breathe away and I struggled to breathe.

"Emma?" She gasped as more tears cascading down her face.

At the sound of her voice though two others in the background rushed forward pushing the beautiful woman out of the way. They started asking me questions and crying but all I wanted was for that beautiful goddess to come back and hold my hand once more.

"No, come back..." I whispered raising my hand slightly in her direction.

Her eyes lit up slightly and she made her way back over to me once more taking my hand in hers.

"Emma...what happened?" She murmured once more.

"You're beautiful". I whisper feeling the blush rush to my cheeks at my outburst.

"Emma" she said while a smile flashed across her face.

"What's your name?" I murmur cracking a smile at this woman.

"W-what?" She gasps letting my hand drop on to the hospital bed.

"What's your name?" I asked once more confused why she would be upset. "Where am I?"

" you now remember who we are?" The man asks taking a cautious step towards the bed.

"No? Should I?" I frowned deeply trying to remember where I had seen them before. "Do we work together?"

"Oh my god. Charming...she doesn't remember us". The woman next to the man gasps staggering into him.

"Is this your doing Regina? Some new curse? Haven't you taken enough away from us? She was just getting to know us! How could you?!" The man demands taking a threatening step towards the woman.

"No. I didn't...I wouldn't do this. I don't know what happened. Or who would..." She stuttered looking at me pleadingly.

At that moment the doctor came in and walked towards me reading off of a clipboard.

"Hello Miss Swan. You've had quite a night. You have no injuries so you should be all set in that area. But you'll have to see someone with magic to check you over for any side affects or lingering magic. I'm afraid the accident wasn't natural. What do you remember last Swan?" The doctor asks his voice monotone and bored.

"Uhm...a little boy. He was telling me about these fairy tale characters who needed to be freed from a curse. But of course that's nonsense. Did you say magic?" I gasped looking around the room frantically.

"She doesn't remember me..." Regina gasped leaning her head on my bed.

"She will remember things, moments, memory's as time passes.  Certain situations can jog her memory but things like our...situation may need to be re-explained. She should regain her memory's completely in a couple of months to a year. But everyone's circumstances and healing are different. She may be able to remember people right away and some will take longer especially if there is conflict or worry surrounding the relationships." He says calmly to the couple turning away from me completely.

"What of...her abilities? Will they be...suppressed again?" The man asks holding his girl close to him.

"They'll be there so I suppose try not to make the savior too angry" the doctor jokes cracking a smile at Regina.

"The savior? Who is the savior? Let me go. What abilities? Your all off your rocker, let me go". I demand struggling to sit up in the hospital bed.

"No don't sit up just yet Emma. You need to finish getting your fluids before you can leave. And my dear, we have to discuss some things before". Regina murmurs laying a reassuring hand on my arm.

The warmth of her hand seemed to seep through my entire body, settling me back down.

"You can leave now Regina. I think you've done enough." The small woman said firmly while quietly sniffling.

"Mom?" A small voice asks from the doorway, obscured by the hugging couple.

"Henry?" Regina gasps a smile lighting up her face.

He rushes into her arms holding a slightly melted candy bar and looks over to me, worry creasing his brow. He was the boy. Except...older. He was grown.

"Is she okay?" Henry asks clutching Regina close to him.

"Who are you?" I murmur trying to remember trying to think, anything for this little boy.

"I'm Henry, your son". The boy says smiling down at me.

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