Chapter 6

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Regina Pov:

As I stared at the white ceiling above me I could feel the tears threatening to fall once more and cloud my vision. I blinked back my tears and swallowed the painful lump in my throat. I had to get up. Get up and run this town. I had to get up. I slowly stretched and stood, my eyes drifting over her sweater and then finally resting on the mirror. I looked a mess. Black makeup smeared across my face and red swollen eyes looked back at me. I made my way slowly to the bathroom rubbing my eyes as I went and stumbling along. I splashed cold water on my face before starting the shower and stripping down. A hiss escaped my lips as the burning hot water hit my back but I didn't move to turn the nozzle. The lump in my throat appeared again but I swallowed it once more taking a gulp of hot steamy air. I quickly washed my hair and my body, scrubbing myself of yesterday. Of her. Soon the water went cold and I switched it off stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself in a towel before the cold air could hit me. I quickly changed and with a moment of though tugged Emma's sweater over my head. Her smell smothered me but I breathed it in a ghost of a smile playing at my lips. The stairs were a struggle but one I enjoyed. As I made it to the kitchen I realized I wasn't hungry as I usually was in the morning so instead I headed the the living room. But the memories were too clear in my mind so with another deep breathe and a gulp I made it to my front door. I couldn't open it. I couldn't step out into what I knew was another sunny day without her. Without being able to walk up to her in public and share a laugh. And to just be able to see her yellow sun of a head once more. I felt myself slide down onto the floor that lump forming in my throat overwhelming and choking me slowly. A sob escaped me but I took a deep breathe and tried to keep the tears in check.

"Miss Mills?" A familiar sunny voice called out from the other side of the door followed by a light knock.

Emma POV:

She opened the door and I could tell by her swollen puffy red eyes she had just been crying.

"Oh...I uh could come back another time" I murmured ducking my head and turning to go.

"No! Emma please- I mean Miss Swan it's fine. You may come in" she murmured sniffling slightly but putting on a brave face and gesturing me inside.

"Thank you Miss Mills-"

"Regina is fine". She clipped as she lead me to the living room before staring at it for a moment and deciding against it, leading me to a brightly lit kitchen.

"Well Regina. We haven't had a proper introduction yet. Though I know we have already met-well what I mean to say is that-"I blabbed on before stopping and looking down at my shoes cringing at my bad form.

"You don't remember". She said her voice slightly pained and a crease forming between her brows.

"Well yes. I don't remember meeting you. I remember saving you from David once from a....a wraith? I'm sorry it's all a bit new to me so you can see why I'm a bit hesitant to tell you it's a wraith because obviously I'm confused-"

"Emma- I mean Miss Swan your blabbering again". She said tapping her nails on the granite.

"I'm sorry Regina. I just. It's all a bit confusing. They told me to stay away from you...but I can't. You...I don't know how to explain it. But I've been told we were friends once". I say trying to crack a smile.

"Friends? Yes...I suppose we were friends." She says looking down into her own hands before turning around towards the sink leaning against it away from me.

"I'm sorry was my assumption wrong? Were we not friends?-"

"We were. I'm sorry Miss Swan this all a bit much for me. And I suppose you'll have to get used to the idea of magic again" her voice biting and cold.

"Regina magic isn't real. I know that my memories are a bit messed up but I assure you-"

"You can assure me of nothing Miss Swan. Magic is real. As real as you are". She murmured taking a deep breathe before turning back to look at me, her brown eyes searching mine.

"Do you mean to tell me you remember nothing? Nothing at all?" She whispered portraying no emotion on her beautiful face.

"I'm getting bits and pieces back. I remember Henry. A bit. And you. I remember a bit of you. I'm sorry David and Mary Margaret are so cruel to you. She said you never forgave her for something she said long ago but wouldn't tell me specifics. In fact they won't tell me anything". I murmured sadly before taking a seat on the bar stool at the island.

"So you came here for answers." Regina murmurs cracking a twisted sad smile.

"Well yes I-"

"I'm afraid you won't find any here Miss Swan. Now if you don't mind I have a very busy day ahead-"

"Wait I-"

"No.Miss Swan you seem to believe you will regain all your memories even though there is little chance of that. I'm sorry Miss Swan you'll have to leave." She demanded her eyes flashing but her voice thick with sadness and desperation.

"Regina..." I murmur reach across the island to place my hand over hers.

She whips back her hand from mine like she was burned her eyes flashing dangerously.

"Out Swan. Now." She demands not meeting my eyes.

"But why-"

"I said now!" She screams flinging her hand out infront of her, her palm facing mine.

I felt my body fling back and I could see he long hallway we had entered through fly by me. My body flew through her front door and onto the pavement but I seemed to linger for a moment before being gently sat down on the ground. I whipped my head to look at the door before it slammed by itself successfully locking me out. What was that. Was that magic? No. What was that? I could feel panic rise through me and I staggered out of her front gardens onto the sidewalk and into the street trying to rationalize everything. Why. What was that. Why was she reluctant to look me in the eyes? Why was she so sad yet so distant? Why wouldn't she talk to me. I cast one more glance at her house before staggering back and making my way down the street trying to process what had just happened. Why wouldn't this woman help me? Why did she insist on calling me Miss Swan? Why wouldn't she answer me?

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