Chapter 11

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Nerves began to flood me as we sat on one of Austin's vast leather sofa's, littered neatly with purple cushions. I wanted a little distance while we went through this, because I couldn't deny it, just looking at him, especially when our eyes met, made my mind turn into jello, so I sat my self on one end, while Austin sat on the other. I had no idea what it was about him, he just managed to bring me, and trap be under some sort of spell whenever I was around him. I think, if this was anyone else, I wouldn't even think about being sat here about to discuss a contract for a dom/sub relationship. I'm pretty sure I would've run the second I saw that play room...but he, he made me want to stay, to try it. He just had this way about him, it was intense, intimidating, over powering, intriuging, almost...addictive in a way. So, if we where going to discuss this, and how I wanted to discuss it and have my questions answers and my amendments agreed too, I needed to have enough distance to keep my mind on the straight and narrow. Austin had tried to shuffle closer to me, but I just shook my head at him and he seemed to understand what I was trying to say, and stayed in his place.

"Okay, so uh, I guess my first...question is the very start. It says that...the, will submit to the, in any and all things and that I agree that only you can decide what, in short, can or can't do. It also says that I must obey your demands and wishes without hesistation or question otherwise, I, the submissive will be punished...sooo in other words, if you told me to jump of a cliff, I'd have to do it without question, otherwise you'd beat the shit outta me with a belt or something?"

Austin chuckled softly. "You certainly have a way with words Alan, but I'm really not liking how you keep using the word 'beat', or 'beating'. I would never beat you Alan, sure yes, I will spank the living hell outta you should you do something to deserve it, and yes, I will decide to use things like whips and belts. But, in saying that I would never beat you, I will never, ever hit you harder then what you could take. Will you bruise? Sure, occasionally, I'm not going to lie about that, or anything for that matter, but there is a fine line and that is where we will need to learn to trust each other, so, I do not take you past your limit. Also, I would never ask you to jump off a cliff, I like my submissives alive and unharmed. I will never make an unreasonable request Alan, and while you are learning the ropes, I will be kind and forgiving should you hesistate or have a question. However, once you have learned or done something once or twice, then yes you must do it without question or I will punish you."

"Okay, so uh, can I have some examples of what you may tell me to do?"

"Well from the very basics like...make me a drink, cook dinner, so on and so forth, right up to I want you to be up in the play room ready within five minutes and you're not to make a sound, or I want you too deep throat me while being tied to a chair with ropes. Hell I may even request you role play, for example, I could be an army drill sargent and you would be a cadet, and you've failed a basic test so you must make it up to me. But again, I will never ask you to do something unreasonable or that I feel you could not, and would not be able to handle."

"Okay, so basically, I have to do whatever you say?"

"Yes, in short." Austin nodded. "That is why we have to trust each other, and you have your safe words. Those safe words can be used whenever you feel that something is too much."

"Alright, does that include what I do outside of being with you?"

"No Alan, I will not control your life outside of your time with me, all I ask is you don't do anything reckless or stupid that will put you in harms way. Naturally I do not want any harm to come to you, I don't want you coming over here with a broken foot because you decided it would be a wise idea to jump off a building or wall or something. So no, I will not control your life outside of your time with me, but as someone who will and does care for you and about you, I do ask that you basically don't go being an idiot."

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